Yitzchok Zevi is forever making me laugh (except for when he exasperates and frustrates me!)
Yesterday we asked him "Yitzchok Zevi, why does a little boy need to wear a kippa" Without hesitation he said, "If a boy doesn't wear his kippa, we say oy yoy yoy yoy yoy!"
He yanked a toy away from Aryeh Leib and said to him, "aleibi, this toy is WEVY (very) misukan for you! You could Chas V'chalila get a HUGE booboo."
This morning, YZ asked for an ice pop. I told him, "Yitzchok Zevi, ice pops are not a choice for breakfast." He replied, "so lets not have breakfast now."
And then there's the confusion that comes with being bilingual....
A hole in hebrew is called a "Chor". Yitzchok Zevi calls it a chole.
Because in hebrew is "Ki". Yitzchok Zevi says "bikeeze".
These are pics of the boys having a great time at the park!