I'd like to welcome myself and Yirsoel Meir home after a four day stay in the hospital. Yisroel Meir had pneumonia (pronounced here in Israel "pnoomoania"- the p is
not silent) He was quite the sick baby but, thank G-d, he's really doing fantastic now. Hats off (unless you are married woman, of course) to all of the very kind doctors who did their utmost to make our hospital experience as painless as possible. Well, it was painless for me, anyway. Poor YM got poked so many times.........I think he may be officially traumatized. How can I tell? First, throughout our entire stay, the ONLY time YM smiled was when his brothers came to visit. Yitzchok Zevi actually had something to say about this visit. At one point I wasn't sure whether or not (healthy) children were allowed in the children's ward. Yitzchok Zevi was agast, "What? You mean they won't let me fulfill the mitzvah of bikur cholim????"
Second, any time anyone came near him, YM went ballistic. The nurses did not mess with him! Im tempted to bring him back now to show them what a fun hoppity boppity kid he really is but I think it'll be some time before he'll be able to enter Sharei Tzedek without getting upset.
Thank our wonderful amazing full of chessed Ribono Shel Olam, YM is doing so much better (though Im not sure that Bubby believes us when we tell her that he's really ok now!) And to prove it, here are some pics that I took of Yisroel Meir today.
Looking forward to a happy and healthy (rest of the) winter!