Friday, May 23, 2008

OMGIF!!! (Oh My Goodness, It's Friday!!!!!!)

I report to you on erev shabbos as one very tired Mommy with 3 very tired boys by my side. Yesterday we took a trip to J-town which was supposed to take 3 hours- start to finish. We left Beitar at 3:15 and got back at..........8:15. Just in time to catch a quick dinner and head out to view the bonfires! Im too tired to cook for shabbos so I decided to be productive in other ways. (Its just rather inconvienent that we can't eat the blog for shabbos dinner).
Here's a picture of my favorite bonfire (pre Lag B'Omer, of course)
Can you see what my creative sabra neighbors rigged at the top?

Here's a closer look...............Its "Haman Harasha" (Evil Haman) who's being "hanged" on a tree!

2 of my favorite Sabras- not yet big enough to build bonfires but certainly excited to watch them burn! (YZ already asked me when he'll be big enough to collect wood. I told him when he's 30)
Yitzchok Zevi had a great time. Aryeh Leib did too- for the first 3 minutes. The rest of the time he cried and kvetched that he wanted to go home. It was lovely.

Sionara, Haman!

A 10:30 bedtime would have been tollerable had it not been followed by a 5:15 revelie for all.................AND there was no school today!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Passin the Afternoon

Yesterday me'n'my boys took a trip to the mischakiya (mischaki-wha?). Its a fantastic indoor play area that has every kind of (kosher) entertainment available (no TV, please!). There's a gymboree room, a moon-walk, an arts'n'crafts area, a make believe room, etc etc. - and all for just 5 shekels per kid! Its one of the benefits of living in a homogenous city where funds are set aside for you and your needs as apposed to just ignoring you. This is usually an activity that we save for a rainy day (literally) but since it was unbearably hot, I decided that an afternoon of fun in air-conditioning was called for. The kids had a great time! I was especially excited because until now, Yisroel Meir was quite difficult to take care of at the mischakiya. There are lots of kids there and I basically had to hold him the entire time in order to protect him! Needless to say he was NOT happy about that- and he let me know. Now that he's a bit older, I let him join in the fun! And fun he certainly had. I'm not sure what I'm going to do to entertain them today since, while my boys believe otherwise, my house is NOT a mischakiya. I may venture to the park and instigate a water fight. Or perhaps I'll just give them a bath really early and convince them that its bedtime.............

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fast Forward 3 Months.............

This entry is dedicated to my mother-in-law. She, who never pressures me to do anything at all (unless its health, safety, etc related OF COURSE) requested that I blog. So, it is in her honor that I put on my writer's hat, sift through pictures, and push off my bed time for at least the next half hour.

To all of my friends, I truly apologize for my lack of activity here- I've been busy with facebook- posting pics there, etc so............for those of you who think you are too _____ (fill in the blank- frum, old, cool, etc) for facebook, I will certainly endeavor to keep y'all posted (no pun intended) here on blogger. The honest truth is that I just have no patience for their super slow picture upload feature. I guess I'll have no choice but to do something (productive?) like my dishes or fold laundry while blogger takes its time. Ugh. Who knows- maybe they've improved it in my prolonged absence?

I take solace in knowing that fantastically (somewhat) consistent bloggers (They're much better than I am, anyway) like Miriam the Mommy and my sister were originally inspired by my blog.

A quick update on the boysies.....

Yitzchok Zevi, I've discovered, is my husband in miniature. You really have to know Jason well to appreciate just how amazingly similar they are but, for those who 'get it'......
We were about to leave for the supermarket when I turned to YZ and said, "Yitzchok Zevi, please remind me at the store that we need carrots." YZ replied, "Mommy, why don't you just make a list?"

Right after Pesach we went to a supermarket that is a distance from our house. In order to pay there with cc, you need to show ID . The only way they'll bend the rule is if it's your first time at the store and didn't know of the rule previously. As we were walking into the store, I realized that both Jason and I had no ID on us. I panicked envisioning us trekking back to our house by bus and then all the way back to the store but then relaxed when I remembered that this was, in fact, Jason's first time in the store. I told him about the rule and made sure he understood that HE would be the one paying this time. Together, Jason and Yitzchok Zevi gave me a funny look and YZ was the first to pipe up, " But Mommy, you knew about the rule and you came together with Abba."

Needless to say, Yitzchok Zevi is since always sure to remind me to take ID in anticipation of going to this store.

Yitzchok Zevi is now reading beautifully and has started learning the taamei hamikra (cantilations). He davens from his siddur and is looking forward to getting his first chumash around shavuos. He's really a little man!

Aryeh Leib will be 4 next week. He is doing fantastic in chaider. Being the little brother of YZ, he had little reason to be exceedingly verbal or take much initiative at home. To my utter astonishment, in school he is super articulate, very social, and quite the leader! His teacher tells me that he is constantly sharing great ideas with the group! At first I didn't think she was talking about my Lubi. I mean, he's squishy and has a heart of gold, but a leader? I'm doing my best now to encourage him to develop those strengths at home as well.

Aryeh Leib continues to be a junk food addict but his greatest pleasure is wearing Shabbos clothes. Much to his consternation, Shabbos only comes around about once a week. There are occasions during the week, however, that indicate an opportunity for pulling out the shabbos attire. Rosh Chodesh, class parties, birthdays............and Purim.

Yitzchok Zevi had decided to be a police man. Yisroel Meir was to be a strawberry. For Aryeh Leib I'd purchased a (rather expensive!) Kohain Gadol costume. The Kohain Gadol, however, was not to be. It still sits, unworn, in AL's closet- for AL realized that perhaps he could manipulate yet another shabbos clothes opportunity. What was I supposed to say to the kid? "No you MUST wear a costume"? Don't think I didn't try ................

"Aryeh Leib, all of the children will be dressed in costumes. Wouldn't you like to wear a costume as well?"


"So, AL, you are dressed up as an Abba? Should I give you an Abba hat to wear?"

"No. I'm dressed up like a boy who's wearing shabbos clothes."

Honestly, I didn't really care. My only concern was that he'd come to his class purim party, see all of his friends, and feel bad that he was costumeless.

Not Aryeh Leib!

He enjoyed observing his friends in their costumes and derived immense pleasure knowing that he was dressed in his finery.
Oh, and he has the cutest Israeli accent. Call us and I'll have him tell you about our handy man "Amir", and recite the colors of the rainbow (including "Yarok"), and recall the names of his "Chaverim". He's yummy.

And...............Yisroel Meir. Saying his name makes me tired! He's a super duper mazik- I don't think either of my other boys were quite this nutty. He has a smile that could melt you but oy vay voy if you don't make sure that he gets what he wants - now. He is so unbelievably strong willed - and I know this trait will serve him quite well in the future- but in the meantime, it can throw the calm and tranquility (which I try to encourage in my house) into a tailspin. He speaks both Hbrew and English and though only I can understand him, he is speaking in full sentences.

He's decided that he's ready to make on the potty. He pulls off his diaper, arranges his training seat, and plops himself down. This is all while I've turned my head and have no earthly idea where he's gone (or, more likely, what kind of trouble he's into.) It's a very cute scene except that I had no intention of training him right now. But that's consistently YM - it'll happen when he wants it to happen. Not before and not after.

Its a party over here!

As for me, I just started working for Aish HaTorah. Its quite exciting since, while I am very content with our lifestyle choices, I'll forever be an NCSYer. Unfortunately, they haven't yet opened an NCSY chapter in Beitar. My job is by phone and my kiruv involvement is only tangential but I still feel like I am part of the process. And that makes me happy.

And, of course, Jason continues his quest to become a talmid chacham (great Torah scholar) and I continue to be proud of him.
