Hi all. This time I had a REALLY good excuse for not blogging.........
Now I'm faced with a dilema- do I change the name of my blog to accomidate the newest (and most vocal) twerp? Yitzchok Zevi and Aryeh Leib would most certainly vote yes as they LOVE the baby SO much..........so much that they perpetually have their sticky bacteria ridden fingers all over him. My favorite is when Ayreh Leib gives the baby a big kiss and leaves a pool of slobber on his head. But thats ok because the baby (Yisroel Meir for those who haven't heard) does his fair share of sliming. Ah.....the wonderful world of spit-up. We've put away the dry clean only clothes with no expectations to wear them any time in the next 9 months. Bystanders look at the puddle on the floor and search for some kind of an encouraging comment. Most say something like, "At least it'll end by the time he's 3 months old." 3 months old? HA! My kids dont stop at 3 months! just keep spitting and spitting. There is NO light at the end of the tunnel and NO end in sight. They are WALKING and still spitting up. When the Doctor says that its time to start solids, all I can think is- great, colorful spitup.
Seriously, we are all enjoying Yisroel Meir- especially the boys. And they are so gentle with him! I'm very pleasantly surprised as I thought I was going to have to hang him from the ceiling.
It didn't take too long before "Sol Maiya" (That's Aryeh Leib's version of Yisroel Meir) became part of the gang. And I'm sure it won't take too long before he starts making trouble with them.
Two exciting pieces of news- First, Yitzchok Zevi got his first REAL bike. He'll tell you all about it. He'll tell you all about it again the next time you speak to him. Second, Yitzchok Zevi and Aryeh Leib now sleep in a bunk bed. AL was HORRIFIED when I took apart his crib but has B"H recovered.
Here are some pictures that we took over bain hazmanim. Yes, I am one of those mothers who likes to dress her kids alike :)
Thats all for now, folks. Have a great Shabbos!
By the way, Isn't that picture of Jason walking with the boys just begging to be on the cover of Mishpacha Magazine???
1 comment:
You could just change the name to something generic, like www.SveiHouseOfInsanityAndSpitUp.blogspot.com - whadduya say?
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