Thursday, September 28, 2006

Ear Infections

I'm sorry to report that Yisroel Meir has a really bad ear infection. The truth is that I'm happy to have something to report. No one likes a baby who's stam kvetchy- especially an exhausted and harried mommy. "Really bad" are actually the words of the Doctor himself! I thought that was rather exciting and validating. "Really bad?" I asked him. "Yes, really bad," he replied. Mind you, I have no idea what a really bad ear infection means. I cant say that if shown a picture I'd be able to identify a really infected ear from a healthy one. What I DO know is that I get to give my child antibiotics instead of "waiting it out" while the poor kid (and the rest of the family for that matter) continues to suffer. That, I have to say, is downright encouraging. After 2 doses of antibiotics he's already acting like himself. There is a light at the end of this tunnel of kvetch! (We hope.....)
In the meantime, Yirsoel Meirla, we wish you a refuah shelaima and sweet (loooong) dreams.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Aryeh Leib v'Chani- Zug

As parents, all we can do is expose our children to ideals and values that are concurrent with our own. We can shelter them and protect them, we can teach them and inspire them. But at the end of the day, it is they alone who chart the course of their own lives. We chose to raise our family in Beitar - "Ir haTorah b'harei Yehuda"- The city of Torah in the Judean mountains. It is an insular community where there is almost total separation between the genders - even on the busses! (right, Ma? :) ) Controversial though this notion is, we feel that it is this type of environment where we can best foster a love for the lifestyle that we have chosen.

And here, in the heart of Beitar, Aryeh Leib has found himself a girlfriend! What can I do? I suppose its my own fault. I do send him to a co-ed gan. And, since I am good friends with her Mommy, they do spend a lot of time together. (and they are so cute when they give each other kisses!)
They really love each other. Aryeh Leib makes sure that Chani Huvi has the best toys and always runs to get her water bottle as he is getting his own. (What can I say, I train my boys well.)

Despite all of this, we could have continued to live in denial just believing that they were "good friends". Then Lubi's ganenet sent home a note. She's a very devout chassidishe Lady (who just moved to Beitar from Nachala u'Menucha, for those who understand what that means!) who wrote, "Aryeh Leib v'Chani- Zug". Aryeh Leib and Chani are a couple!

Yup, there's NO denying it anymore! A couple they most certainly are.

The truth is, I won't mind if they do get married one day . She comes from a good family and I already know that her mother has great taste in friends!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My gang

My 3 boys hanging out together..........sort of.
The boys decided that YM's head looks too much like a bowling ball. Poor little guy is having a rough time growing that hair! I reminded my big boys that they too spent time looking like Mr. Clean. Yitzchok Zevi suggested that Yisroel Meir wear a bandana to protect his exposed scalp. The boys decided to show solidarity with those who are folicly challenged and they too donned bandanas. (where's Zaidy in this pic?) Then they started yanking the bandanas off each others heads- and that was the end of that!

Monday, September 18, 2006

A picture tribute to YM

I feel like Yisroel Meir is getting a raw deal. His cousin, 3 weeks his junior is the star of his own blog. Then you have poor YM who, lets face it, is kind of a dud compared to his wild and crazy brothers, receives but a mention once in a while. The "Pluto" of the Svei boys, if you will.
So, I've decided to devote a post to Yisroel Meir. I don't have much to say about him since all he knows how to do is smile, giggle, spit up, poop, and cry (alot), but I can do a tribute in pictures. This way, at least you'll know who he is if you bump into his stroller in the street.
Here's to you, Yisroel Meir! Don't let all this publicity go to your head.

By the way, don't Yisroel Meir and Yitzchok Zevi look so much alike as babies?

Friday, September 15, 2006

Getting big

We've reached a milestone in the life of Yisroel Meir Svei. YM has started to giggle. Weighing in at 14.3 lbs, when he smiles, he kind of reminds me of Michelin Man. His big brothers derive imense pleasure in making him laugh. They get so insulted when all of a sudden he bursts into tears. "How would you feel," I ask them, "if you had 2 people who are twice your size yelling in your once?"Every once in a while Yisroel Meir will comply and give one of the boys a meak smile. C'mon YM, you are not making this "integration into the family" thingy easy! If your big brothers don't like you, thats NOT a good thing! For the most part, the big boys have been good sports. Yitzchok Zevi likes to call him "Baybala" and, as I mentioned below, AL's name of choice is "solamaya". In addition, we just got YM a personal entertainment system (otherwise known as a Graco swing). ALL parties concerned are VERY satisfied :).

A funny YZ and AL exchange..........
We have a park right outside of our apartment. They boys often stand at the window trying to identify park goers. On shabbos Aryeh Leibi thought he saw his ganenet and called, "Mowa giti!" Yitchok Zevi stopped him and said, "No, Lubi, she doesn't understand anglit. You have to say it in Hebrew! Like this, (perfect sabra accent) "Morah Giti.....""

And who says that i'm stunting my boys english by sending them to a Hebrew speaking gan? This morning I was having difficulty putting on AL's shorts. Frustrated, I said, "Aryeh Leibi, why does this have to be so complicated?" And he responded.......
"Yeah, Its impossible!"

Today Aryeh Leibi had a really sore tushey so I decided to let him go without a diaper for a bit. You know, to air out. He ate his ENTIRE dinner without having an accident. I started getting a little proud already planning the kind of underwear I'd buy him. With a whistful look I envisioned two boys making on the potty, wearing tzitzis.......when did they get so big?..........." Suddenly my reverie was interupted with a call from Yitzchok Zevi, "Mommy, Lubi pished on the carpet." Oh well.