And here, in the heart of Beitar, Aryeh Leib has found himself a girlfriend! What can I do? I suppose its my own fault. I do send him to a co-ed gan. And, since I am good friends with her Mommy, they do spend a lot of time together. (and they are so cute when they give each other kisses!)
They really love each other. Aryeh Leib makes sure that Chani Huvi has the best toys and always runs to get her water bottle as he is getting his own. (What can I say, I train my boys well.)
Despite all of this, we could have continued to live in denial just believing that they were "good friends". Then Lubi's ganenet sent home a note. She's a very devout chassidishe Lady (who just moved to Beitar from Nachala u'Menucha, for those who understand what that means!) who wrote, "Aryeh Leib v'Chani- Zug". Aryeh Leib and Chani are a couple!
Yup, there's NO denying it anymore! A couple they most certainly are.
The truth is, I won't mind if they do get married one day . She comes from a good family and I already know that her mother has great taste in friends!

I say,"you go girl!" Oh, I mean boy (wishful thinking :)) Every young man needs a woman by his side. If not allowed later, then enjoy it now.
I say,"you go girl!" Oh, I mean boy (wishful thinking :)) Every young man needs a woman by his side. If not allowed later, then enjoy it now.
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