Wow. Its been SO long since I last blogged. No, critics, we are not noticing a pattern developing here. Its just that.........so much has been going on and I simply couldn't justify blogging when I had so many running-of-the-house type things to do especially since I now have zero help from the husband and, of course, I had to sleep at some point. So I figured, since I have a baby sleeping on me right now anyway, and I can't do dishes or fold laundry or cut up fruits and veggies or organize my kitchen cabinets or or or or.......................I may as well talk to y'all!
Poor poor husband. This broken ankle is really taking the kishkas out of him. He went back to yeshiva today for the first time (in almsot 3 weeks!!!) and came home a shmate. He has 3 more weeks in the cast. For someone who is always running everywhere because there is so so much to do and so little time, having to take it slow and steady is like puncturing a beach ball. Deflated. Limp (pardon the pun).
It snowed last week! Snow in Israel is quite a scene. Israeli's don't quite know what to do with it. I took Aryeh Leib to gan to find his ganenet standing just outside the yard. She was terrified to walk though the blanket of snow that covered the grass. "Isn't this dangerous?" She asked me. "Not where I come from," I answered. "Ice, maybe, but snow? On grass?" "You mean that you are prepared to walk though here with a baby in your arms?" "Yup!" She watched in horor as Aryeh Leib and I (and Yisroel Meir of course) hopped and skipped all the way to the entrance of the gan. She was convinced enough to follow us- ever so gingerly- though the yard. Those crazy Americans..........
And the potty training saga continues. Aryeh Leib wore underpants the entire afternoon. Yitzchok Zevi is rather indignant about the whole thing. He doesn't think it fair that AL is big enough to wear underpants. I had to convince him that he's still bigger since he is learning how to read. Its tough being the oldest though I'm sure Aryeh Leib would disagree.
Yisroel Meir is cutting his first tooth! I've started him on solids which means that now his spit up is colorful (and his poopies stink).
Lots more going on but I'm too tired to continue. ......
B"H the boys continue to give us nachas (in between heart palpitations) and continue to grow bigger and bigger (way too quickly!!!!)
Until next time..........

Hi Shira,
It is good to hear from you again.
There must be 'something' that you can find that Jason can do to help.
Kiss the boys for me.
So cute with the hats on!
Okay, it's been more than two weeks now... you are SOOOOO getting in trouble.
Need a guest blogger?
Hi Shira! Refuah shelaima to your husband - and may you ave enough koach for the both of you. The kids look delicious and you sound great considering everything. Looking forward to reading more (when you have time, which seems like it's on the scarce side now.) Hatzlacha!!!
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