Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nachas moments

AL: I'm going to take a banana. I'm gonna take one for Zevi too.

Me: How come, Aryeh Leib?

AL: (ponders for a moment) 'Cause I love him.

YZ: I love you too, Lubi!

(YZ notices my beaming face and decides to capitalize on the moment....)

YZ: And we're never gonna hurt each other ever again in our WHOLE lives! (or at least for the next 10 minutes.....)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Aryeh Leib the Chossid (and a little bit of good ol' Jewish guilt for dessert)

Wadaya say we've been in Beitar just a wee bit too long?

I'd just like to note that I've been such a faithful blogger recently, don't I deserve some kind of a response? Hello Hello Hello........... Anybody there there there there.............................Have I been talking to myself all this time?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

blogging stam (just because)

Nothing too exciting to report. I just happened upon this yummy scene and felt compelled to share it with all of you.....

I could eat him- I could just eat him.
We installed an air conditioner today. I felt a little funny getting it since its such a luxury in these parts. Jason reminded me that last summer I made some rather convincing arguments as to why an A/C was absolutely crucial to my continued existence. I pointed out that I was 9 months pregnant at the time and could NOT be held responsible for anything said, insinuated, or thrown during such a time. Either way, we have it now and I'm sure we'll enjoy using it.
Yitzchok Zevi wanted to know why it was mounted so close to the ceiling. I didn't answer his question. I just stopped what I was doing, narrowed my eyes, and stared at him. And then he understood. "For the same reason that your candlesticks are really high up, huh?" uha.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

What's In a Name?

I used to think that A Husband and Wife calling each other "Mommy" and "Abba" (respectively, of course. A Husband should NEVER call his wife "Abba"- if you know what I mean.) was so old school.
Now I'm pondering the potential plausibility and point of this popular practice........
What do y'all think?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Back to Business (I mean Kollel)

Bain Hazmanim is (too quickly) drawing to a close. We're having so much fun, we don't want it to end! All of the boys are enjoying the extra time with Abba. Instead of rushing off to J-town at (or is it before?) the crack of dawn, he has breakfast with them in the morning, gives them baths, and reads them pre-bedtime books. Needless to say Mommy is enjoying the extra help!
And of course Abba is having a blast too.
Could ya tell?

Move over Masechet Brachot, its time for "Franklin is Bossy". Of course, one could argue that "Franklin is Bossy" is a fine work on character development and EVERY aspiring Torah scholar must set aside time for that. So........we could get used to this.
Even Yisroel Meir has grown attached to his Abba......
Alas, all good things must come to an end.

Ever the devoted Kollel wife, I don't (Chas V'chalila!) want to (Chas V'shalom!) give off the impression that I don't (Chas V'karpas!) wan't my husband to forever remain sequestered in a discreet corner of some nameless hovel in the heart of meah she'arim pouring over volume after volume........its just that I kinda like having him around.

So, I'll send him off with a smile (even if its a bit forced) and start counting the days till summer bain hazmanim!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Posting on Pesach

Happy Pesach! There are so many exciting things happening at the Svei's, I couldn't resist posting.
Aryeh Leib started wearing Tzitzis in honor of the chag (and in honor of AL being potty trained- POO POO)
Yisroel Meir has started doing exciting tricks.
He knows how to laugh on command......

and how to shake his head.....

All of the important things in life :)

Yesterday was the first day of (Eretz Yisroel) chol hamoed. We decided to take a trip to the kotel fulfilling the mitzva of Aliyah l'regel (visiting the site of the temple during the 3 main holidays- pesach among them). Our first stop upon reaching the kotel was (can you guess?) the bathroom. The following exchange transpired between YZ and myself as we exited the bathroom:

YZ: Mommy, why did evil people destroy the beis hamikdash many years ago?
Me: Because the Jewish people didn't listen to Hashem and weren't nice to each other.
YZ: Oh. Well, how come they didn't destroy the bathrooms?

Things that make ya go hmmm..............

A happy and Kosher to one and all!