Bain Hazmanim is (too quickly) drawing to a close. We're having so much fun, we don't want it to end! All of the boys are enjoying the extra time with Abba. Instead of rushing off to J-town at (or is it before?) the crack of dawn, he has breakfast with them in the morning, gives them baths, and reads them pre-bedtime books. Needless to say Mommy is enjoying the extra help!
And of course Abba is having a blast too.
Could ya tell?
And of course Abba is having a blast too.
Could ya tell?

Move over Masechet Brachot, its time for "Franklin is Bossy". Of course, one could argue that "Franklin is Bossy" is a fine work on character development and EVERY aspiring Torah scholar must set aside time for that. So........we could get used to this.
Even Yisroel Meir has grown attached to his Abba......
Ever the devoted Kollel wife, I don't (Chas V'chalila!) want to (Chas V'shalom!) give off the impression that I don't (Chas V'karpas!) wan't my husband to forever remain sequestered in a discreet corner of some nameless hovel in the heart of meah she'arim pouring over volume after volume........its just that I kinda like having him around.
So, I'll send him off with a smile (even if its a bit forced) and start counting the days till summer bain hazmanim!
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