Beitar, my once apolitical and unified abode has recently become "The City of Torah (and politics!) in the Judean hills". The details are irrelevant for the purposes of this post, specifically because I am not interested in this blog becoming a venue for my personal political commentary, not to mention the potential lashon hara transgressions......

In America, and even in Yerushalayim, there's politics and there's life outside of politics.
But when a small town becomes infected with politics.........it can get VERY personal. These are our friends and neighbors we're voting (or not voting) for!
We know that whatever happens is the will of Hashem. We hope that after today's elections, people will be able to (finally) set their political beliefs aside and unite again in an effort to restore the peace and perhaps recapture the unity that once so characterized Beitar.

A city that's prized for its cleanliness, this street is generally immaculate. Today it was literally trashed with paraphernalia from the various parties. One of my friends sighed and noted that they could have skipped all of the posters and signs and just sent every family in Beitar a pie of Pizza. Appetizing though the idea did sound........I'm not voting for someone just because they sent me Pizza. Now, if it was schwarma, that's another story.
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