As the shabbos night meal grew progressively later and our fine young bochrim grew progressively maniacal, it occurred to us that perhaps something needed to be done about this highly unpleasant situation. But how to tell the boys that they are hereby uninvited from the meal- something that they looked forward to all week long?
After much deliberation, a new rule was instituted in the Svei household:
We welcome you to our Friday night meal ON CONDITION that you take a nap on Friday afternoon.
We welcome you to our Friday night meal ON CONDITION that you take a nap on Friday afternoon.
I'll be totally honest- I had zero faith that the 2 big boys would actually settle themselves down for a nap which basically translated itself into uninviting them from the meal BUT at least I didn't have to be the bad guy...............
"Boys, its such a shame! We REALLY wanted you to be able to join us.................."
It's not even a half truth, were they to nap, we really would love to have them. But, exhausted boys who were supposed to be in bed hours before? No thank you!
There was, however, one boy DID get to join us this past Friday night:

Poor tired baby! Right in the middle of eating an apple!
And to have seen his face when his brothers went shluffy and HE came to the seuda!
Shavua Tov!