Yitzchok Zevi: Mommy, do you know how long ago dinosaurs weren't 'ekstink'?
(We, of course, are firm believers that the world is, in fact, 5768 years old. What we do not know is how to define a "day of creation". Because each day of creation could very well have spanned millions of years according to our definition of time, it is entirely possible that dinosaurs lived and died during those first 6 'days'. For a greater understanding of this approach, see Gerald Schroeder's book "Genesis and the Big Bang")
Me: I don't know exactly, Yitzchok Zevi.
YZ: do you know around how long?
Me: Nope.
YZ: Like before Alta Bubby was alive?
Me: Way before.
YZ: Are you sure? How long before?
Me: Like even before Avraham Avinu was alive.
YZ: Can't be.
Me: Yup.
YZ: Who told you that?
Me: I must have learned it in school.
YZ: And you are sure about that?
Me: Absolutely.
YZ: Wow. That was a really long time ago................
Me: Uha. Go to bed Yitzchok Zevi.
YZ: But-
Me: Bed!
YZ: But I have more questions!
Me: Tomorrow.
YZ: But-
Me: Tomorrow!
YZ: (In angst) What if I don't remember tomorrow!?
Me: G'nite!
YZ: (blessed silence)
you deserve this, Shir. You really do deserve this. What goes around, comes around!
love you,
Shira, I'll have to read this word for word to A - Bubby!! She will enjoy.At least Grandparent's generation wasn't mentioned. I guess we're safe for the moment.
Can't wait to hear about tomorrow's conversations.
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