My kids are crazy. I am beginning to sound like a broken record. This is all I have to report- post after post. But, the honest truth is, they are forever finding more creative ways to make trouble. I can't fault them- they are curious kids. I like to think its an indication of extraordinary intellegence. They should use it for good things!! Right now, getting into my things is especially exciting for them since I have lots of stuff in boxes. Every box is a new adventure. Today's adventure involved a box of toiletries. I won't go into too much detail but but just as an example- they discovered that corn cushions make really fun puffy stickers. I keep warning them that they'd better get in all of their fun now because as soon as we get into our apartment the party is over. There will be locks on EVERY cabnit, EVERY appliance, EVERY door, and EVERY chair will be NAILED to the floor. Ok, I'm exagerating a bit about the chair nailing but anything that has a door with be YZ and AL proof. My house will NOT be a free-for-all!!!! Ha! (Whatever. We'll just have to wait and see who gets the last laugh. Why do I have this funny feeling it aint gunna be me?)
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