Welcome back to the wild and crazy adventures of YZ and AL! Yitzchok Zevi and Aryeh Leib are 2 months older, 2 months wiser, and 2 months more experienced at making trouble. We took a little break (ok, a big break) because of technical difficulties but now we have a wonderful new camera (Thanks, Grandma!) and are most definitely camera happy................is it any indication that I've used up all the space on my memory card TWICE and I only got the camera yesterday?
The big news is that we got the keys to our apartment and at this point await the arrival of our lift so that we can move in! Thank you again to Grandma, Bubby, and Zaidy for all of your help with the lift. As Yitzchok Zevi told one of my friends, "Now we are wenting on Ben Zakai" but soon we will be in our very own apartment in Givah B!
Aryeh Leib is starting to say more words though he doesn't need words at all to make himself VERY WELL understood. Yitzchok Zevi is as funny and witty as ever.
A YZ quip:
"Mommy, there are kinderlach in my chaider that eat chocolate for lunch. Thats not baree (healthy) at all. I eat Peanut Butter."
"Is Peanut Butter healthy, YZ?"
"Yep and if you put peanut butter with the chocolate, that will be healthy too!"
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