Yitzchok Zevi had such a funny line on shabbos. I realize that most of the humor will be lost on those who don't reside in Beitar. (Come to think of it, how many Beitar residents are reading this blog anyway?) So, I'll start with some background........
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Yummy Boychikels
Yitzchok Zevi had such a funny line on shabbos. I realize that most of the humor will be lost on those who don't reside in Beitar. (Come to think of it, how many Beitar residents are reading this blog anyway?) So, I'll start with some background........
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I'd give you a hand but mine are full.........
snip snip
What was our heinous crime, our horrifying offence, our outrageous transgression?
We cut off Yitzchok Zevi's payos.......... (dum da dum dum)
Have no fear, dear readers, we are NOT shedding our beliefs nor are we casting off the yoke of our religion. (And, for those of you who think we live in a wacked out charedi ghetto, we aren't concerned about being thrown out of Beitar.)
My ever curious and adventuresome 4 year old wanted to see what would happen if he put fun tac in his hair......(Thats the blue sticky stuff that is used for hanging things on walls. Its supposed to be reusable).
Well, here's what happened.
and after:
Yep, that was one of those instances where a lesson was most definitely learned and Mommy didn't even have to do any punishing (evil grin)..........I had to hold myself back from offering him a bobby pin to help keep the payos behind his ears.
It can't have been too traumatizing for, as you can see, he's still smiling (and still just as cute :) ).
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Flying Solo
I decided to take the boys to the park today in an effort to take advantage of what remains of our Indian summer. As the winter clandestinely tiptoes in, I envision months of play dough, coloring, cutting, gluing, and, in short, destroying my house.......ack.......not to mention trip after trip after trip to good 'ol Dr. Cohen.
Today's outing, while a great idea in theory turned into a bit of a fiasco..........
Our first lunch without Jason had been uneventful and relaxing so I was feeling a bit overly confidant. We went to the "far park" and I let Yitzchok Zevi take his bike. (This is the point where the foreboding music starts playing)
While at the park, the baby had a HUGE poopy explosion!!! I exaggerate not. It was everywhere and- of course- I had no change of clothes for him. You'd think I'd have learned by now.............
The way to the far park is down hill. Guess which direction we had to go in order to get home? Guess who pushed Yitzchok Zevi -on his bike- all the way home while holding a baby wrapped in blankets and pushing a stroller? (Impressive, no?)
And my only consolation as I trudged up the hill (or was it a mountain)? At least now I have something to blog.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Off we go
Anyway, we had a lovely outing. Jason bought me a watch as a (belated.....men, argh) anniversary gift. The truth is, I'm not sure if the watch was a gift for him or for me. He thinks that if I own a watch and I actually know what time it is, I'll be more punctual. I say forget the watch- buy me a car and I'll definitely be more punctual.
A HUGE Mazal Tov to our cousins Chanoch and Yael Shalev on the birth of their 3rd daughter! (sigh) Ah, girls...............
Here are pics of Yisroel Meir from our trip (Once he was there by default, we figured we'd pay him a little attention:). )
Nachas Alert for the bubbies: The old lady in the restaurant said that Yisroel Meir is VERY alert!
Wishing everyone a wonderful shabbos!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Potty training dilemmas
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Mashiv Haruach u'Morid Hageshem (Let the rains begin!)
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Nothing. Absolutely Nothing.
Aryeh Leib, of course, tripped and fell on his head like 30 times and on top of that was a royal nudnik and insighted Yitzchok Zevi. YZ took that as an invitation to hit, kick, pinch, push, etc. ALL DAY LONG. The only thing they did that would be blog worthy was so disgusting, I'm not interested in recording it for posterity on the www.
Whew- ok- that was therapeutic.
On a lighter note, here's a pic of Aryeh Leib bearing an uncanny resemblance to.............(Answer TBA in my next blog- any guesses are welcome)
Also, many thanks to Shelley Goldman for sending us the most unique serving piece I've EVER seen...........
Its a high heal! What's even cooler is that the heal is magnetic so it can be removed for cleaning.
Looking forward to posting lots of fun and positive things about my brood tomorrow but for now.......I'm going to bed. Let this day be over!
Good night to all and to all good night.
A little helper who thinks he's big......
I need to get some new lines. Mine are overused, apparently. Today I asked Yitzchok Zevi to clean up a toy. He then turned to Aryeh Leib and said, "Aryeh Leibi, lets see how quickly you can clean this up!"
Earlier today I had to punish Aryeh Leib. I did the unthinkable- I took away treats for the WHOLE morning. (For those who know AL, this really is a powerful punishment!) Aryeh Leib moaned, "Not do it again!!!" Yitzchok Zevi responded, "Lubi, this punishment will help you remember not to do it again next time."
Thanks for your help, YZ.
At least I know that something is penetrating......
After I took this picture, I turned around for a second to put down my camera. (Always a no no- even with the MOST responsible of 4 year olds.......or so I learned.) I turned back around to find Yitzchok Zevi supporting a STANDING Yisroel Meir!!!! Once I took my heart out of the throat I calmly explained to my big helper that 3 month olds are not meant to stand- specifically while being supported by their 4 year old brothers.....eek!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Ear Infections all around
Just a recap of our first day of Chol HaMoed........
Yisroel Meir took a nap in the afternoon. (and drooled all over my bed- ugh)
So, the rest of us played OLD MAID.
P-A-R-T-Y! A good time was had by all. Moadim L'simcha!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Yontif is a commin
There's no way that I superimposed my own feelings about what the boys must have wanted for a Yontif present....................
As for my present, I got myself a great new cookbook called "Enlightened Kosher cooking". I'm quite excited about it. I thought it the most appropriate purchase as I am definitely starting my diet tomorrow. My Yontif food prep has quickly gone from easy and simple to patchka city. Any recipe that requires the use of SIX bowls and TWO pots is just plain wrong! I already bombed my first recipe- at least from a presentation perspective. As far as taste goes, I don't know if you can mess up something that has ingredients like veggies, mayo, mustand, chicken soup mix, etc. but my "Tri Color Terraine" would be more aptly dubbed "veggie mush". I think this is a kapara for the time when complemented on my cooking I responded, "What's so complicated about cooking? Its just a matter of being able to follow instructions."
Thats Hashem's way of saying, "Mu ha ha ha ha!"
I'll spare y'all the picture of my little fashla........
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Tales of the tzafloigen
"Aryeh Leibi don't run!!!!.............oy (grimace)..........You ok?"
My poor Aryeh Leib is a tzafloigena.
He is named after his Abba's Saba about whom it is said that he could walk through mud and his shoes would remain clean. Though I never met Jason's Saba, from what I understand he was a very genteel and special man with a big heart. My Aryeh Leibi has a huge heart and a good and genteel sole but if he would walk in mud, not only would his shoes get dirty but so would his socks, his pants, his shirt, his hair, and me!
He's delicious...............and he is an accident waiting to happen!
Last week the boys were jumping back and forth between the couches. Jason warned them to stop since inevitably someone was going to get hurt. (Translation: Yitzchok Zevi, the Monkey, will leap into the air and land gracefully on the other couch while Aryeh Leib will likely fall on his head.) They weren't in the mood to listen (as often they aren't) so they continued their bouncing. Jason called out, "Boys, DO NOT do it again!" Aryeh Leib looked at Jason (note- and not in the direction of the couch he was jumping towards) and said, "Not do it ag-" (plonk, spin, thud) (grimace) Aryeh Leib.........you ok?
Today we were sitting together on a ledge.........Aryeh Leib ended up in the flower bed behind us.
We went out for Pizza to welcome Bain Hazmanim (who-hoo we LOVE bain hazmanim!). Jason draped his jacket over the back of Aryeh Leib's chair. We discovered at the end of the meal that Aryeh Leibi had been using Jason's jacket as a napkin..........oops.
He marches to the beat of his own drummer and that's what makes him so so yummy. The other day he walked out of his room wearing this hat. "Aryeh Leibi, you wearing that hat to gan?" I asked. "Yup," he responded. And he did! Whatever floats your boat, Lubi dubi.
He almost flipped off this couch when I was taking these pictures!