"Aryeh Leibi don't run!!!!.............oy (grimace)..........You ok?"
My poor Aryeh Leib is a tzafloigena.
He is named after his Abba's Saba about whom it is said that he could walk through
mud and his shoes would remain clean. Though I never met Jason's Saba, from what I understand he was a very genteel and special man with a big heart. My Aryeh Leibi has a huge heart and a good and genteel sole but if he would walk in mud, not only would his shoes get dirty but so would his socks, his pants, his shirt, his hair, and me!
He's delicious...............and he is an accident waiting to happen!

Last week the boys were jumping back and forth between the couches. Jason warned them to stop since inevitably
someone was going to get hurt. (Translation: Yitzchok Zevi, the Monkey, will leap into the air and land gracefully on the other couch while Aryeh Leib will likely fall on his head.) They weren't in the mood to listen (as often they aren't) so they continued their bouncing. Jason called out, "Boys, DO NOT do it again!" Aryeh Leib looked at Jason (note- and
not in the direction of the couch he was jumping towards) and said, "Not do it ag-" (plonk, spin, thud) (grimace) Aryeh Leib.........you ok?
Today we were sitting together on a ledge.........Aryeh Leib ended up in the flower bed behind us.
We went out for Pizza to welcome Bain Hazmanim (who-hoo we LOVE bain hazmanim!). Jason draped his jacket over the back of Aryeh Leib's chair. We discovered at the end of the meal that Aryeh Leibi had been using Jason's jacket as a napkin..........oops.
He marches to the beat of his own drummer and that's what makes him so so yummy. The other day he walked out of his room wearing this hat. "Aryeh Leibi, you wearing that hat to gan?" I asked. "Yup," he responded. And he did! Whatever floats your boat, Lubi dubi.

He almost flipped off this couch when I was taking these pictures!