I'm a tired Mommy. I spent much of the night awake- not
just with my baby- but with my bechor as well! At about 1AM I hear a moan from the boy's room. "Mommy, I have an ear infection. I need medecine...." (I Didn't even have to pay for 4 years of Med school and the kid knows how to diagnoss........). By morning Yitzchok Zevi asserted that a Doctor's visit was most definitely in order. I asserted that a nap was most definitely in order. After I got my nap (Thanks to darling Husband), Yitzchok Zevi got his Doctor's visit. Lo and behold, he's got an ear infection. Again I get my validating and relieving (my kid's not stam a kvetch) confirmation and out we go- medecine hand. Having watched me administer drugs to Yisroel Meir for the past 2 weeks (long may those days be gone- poo poo), Yitzchok Zevi was quite excited to have medecine of his own. Thats when Aryeh Leib started flipping out. Not interested in being the odd man out, he insisted on having medecine as well. Try reasoning with a 2 year old that medecine is only for
sick people - tis an exersize in futility. So, I did what I have to say may earn me the "creative mommy of the year" title. I took soy milk, added 1/8 packet of strawberry jello and viola! Aryeh Leib now has his very own pseudo-moxy-pen-placebo!
All of my boys are feeling better already...........
Just a recap of our first day of Chol HaMoed........
Yisroel Meir took a nap in the afternoon. (and drooled all over my bed- ugh)

So, the rest of us played OLD MAID.

P-A-R-T-Y! A good time was had by all. Moadim L'simcha!
Shira, I do read your blog! Your kids are adorable, and I'm reliving my childhood through your posts...
Have a great chol hamo'ed!
Thanks again for your help, and I'm not saying a thing about the spelling (ya know Blogger has a spell check, yes? Then again, allowances must be made for sleep deprivation, as I well know...(.
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