I decided to take the boys to the park today in an effort to take advantage of what remains of our Indian summer. As the winter clandestinely tiptoes in, I envision months of play dough, coloring, cutting, gluing, and, in short, destroying my house.......ack.......not to mention trip after trip after trip to good 'ol Dr. Cohen.
Today's outing, while a great idea in theory turned into a bit of a fiasco..........
Our first lunch without Jason had been uneventful and relaxing so I was feeling a bit overly confidant. We went to the "far park" and I let Yitzchok Zevi take his bike. (This is the point where the foreboding music starts playing)
While at the park, the baby had a HUGE poopy explosion!!! I exaggerate not. It was everywhere and- of course- I had no change of clothes for him. You'd think I'd have learned by now.............
The way to the far park is down hill. Guess which direction we had to go in order to get home? Guess who pushed Yitzchok Zevi -on his bike- all the way home while holding a baby wrapped in blankets and pushing a stroller? (Impressive, no?)
And my only consolation as I trudged up the hill (or was it a mountain)? At least now I have something to blog.
Oh, I've SO felt that before, the at least I have something to blog feeling. Yeah. A lot. In fact, I think that was my consolation for the big explosive poop at Sharfman's that time...
"a kollel wife in Yesha"???
You wild-eyed settler!!
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