Would anyone like a really clean rock? My washing machine doesn't. "I'm just gunna put it in my pocket, Mommy" Says Aryeh Leib as we walk through the park. "Please don't, Aryeh Leibi, its going to end up in the washing machine." "Nu-uh (I wonder if you can find that word in the Webster's dictionary...). I'll take it out before I take off my pants."....
......clang clang thud clang clang......
I guess that's not as bad as my friend who's son put a plastic toy in the oven.
Yeah, never a dull moment.
Yisroel Meir was supposed to be ferberized this week. Instead he's on antibiotics. I'm thinking of starting MAEI (Mothers Against Ear Infections). When is this madness going to end?????
We have an appointment with the ENT on Wednesday. I'd really like to see a homeopath but Jason says I've wasted too much money on the heebeejeebee stuff. It aint like the conventional options have been so much more effective, eh?
EVERYONE has colds but spring is definitely on the horizon. We know this because last summer, the municipality started building a park right outside of our building. All work came to an abrupt halt around Rosh Hashanah time. We spent the whole winter gazing longingly at this half-park........waiting and wondering. Two days ago the park came to life again as we watched the workers pouring the asphalt! Forget the park- we are having a blast watching the workers.

Hey, Shira -- I enjoyed your posting. Keep them coming -- and i'll try to show signs of life here.
Uncle David
He can ride a bimba already? Come on Sarah Rochel!!! Move it!
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