Goodness. I think this has become one of those blogs that spends half the time apologizing for never blogging and the other half of the time kvetching about never having time to blog. Those kind of blogs annoy me and being the author of one of those kind of blogs annoys me even more since the question of the day (from many people) is inevitably, "So, did you blog today?" I find myself beginning conversations, "No, I didn't blog today....." in an effort to preempt the questions. Its kind of the same feeling as when you are pregnant, already a week overdue, and everyone you speak to has the same question. Don't know what question that is? Then you must never have been overdue......
My pathetic posting practices aside, the Svei's are doing great, B"H! Yitzchok Zevi had his "letter party" last week. Only "Abbas" were invited to this shindig. He actually got Jason to skip part of his Friday morning learning schedule to join him at the party. Yitzchok Zevi must really rate because there ain't nothin that gets Jason out of his beis medrish on a Friday morning (except maybe a trip to the orthopedist....oops).
Aryeh Leib's potty training has been an endless process. The little booger has us wrapped around his little finger sooooo tight. As soon as we try to phase out the treats, he regresses until we bring them back full force. Bubby doesn't like our methods- she says it reminds her of dog training. I told her that I don't mind a little barking from Aryeh Leib if it means that I have less laundry at the end of the day.

And Yisroel Meir continues to be the WORST sleeper in the WORLD. We just finished 4 reflexology sessions in an effort to drain YM's ears (and I'm not asking anyone's opinion on this issue so all less-than-positive-comments can be kindly omitted). We hope to see results sometime in the next few weeks. Basically, we suspect that part of his difficulty sleeping stems from ear discomfort which is an outgrowth of repeated (endless....) ear infections. Ear infections breed in fluids that get stuck in the Eustachian tube(which apparently YM has alot of) so........ we hope it'll help. If not, the kid is getting ferberized.
Bubby and Zaidy are visiting this week - a good time is being had by all- especially the boys who have succeeded in conning Zaidy into reading book after book after book........
Today was Shushan Purim. Basically that meant that all the drunken Beitar men hobbled onto a bus to get drunk again at their parent's seudas in Yerushalayim. The only people in Beitar today were duds like us. Under normal circumstances Jason would have learned on a regular schedule today but since his parents were here (and his kollel- in Jerusalem- was in the middle of getting drunk) he decided to spend the afternoon with the family. I had to suppress an evil grin as he sat in the park that was incidentally RIGHT OUTSIDE of his old Yeshiva.......yeah, he was squirming. It was right funny.
Whew! That was alot of blogging! I'll try not to let it go to my head and will (bli neder) do my utmost to post again (sometime) in the near future. (Did I mention 'bli neder'?)

Here are the boys in their purim costumes (Thanks Grandma!). t'isnt the best pic of my boys but you get the idea.....
I still check in to see if you have blogged. It's fun reading (especially since I don't have to do the laundry or stay up at night) and the pictures are great
Who got to be the red crayon?
Thanks for blogging...I found the link from Sarah Rochel Druyan's site. I love to see sites from people living in Israel, it makes me miss it so much and remind me that we still want to get back there someday!
BTW - My boy was a cowboy and my girl was her ever-loving princess self for Purim.
well, well, well....finally! b"H you blogged. So where are the hats for the markers? Love the pictures. Love the boys! Love, Ma
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