Sunday, June 11, 2006

Hi Everybody.......Remember us?

I've started to get some negative vibes from all of the "Yitzchok Zevi and Aryeh Leib" blog fans. Ok, maybe vibes isn't the right word. Perhaps a more accurate phrase would be "overt expressions of dissatisfaction and annoyance". My - now critics- assert that my blog has been painfully neglected.

Though I offer my sincerest of apologies, I cannot proclaim this entry the heralding of a new chapter in blog entry frequency nor can I claim to be turning over a new leaf in my blog-behavior. I ALWAYS have the BEST of intensions but at this juncture, with the expecting of a new baby in (IY"H) less than 3 weeks (from this blog to G-d's ears!!!!); even I have to stop being delusional concerning unrealistic expectations. With that said, I continue to kvell/kvetch about my boychickels but- no promises as to the frequency, ok?

Some very funny Yitzchok Zevi-isms from the past month (or so) that deserve mention:

One Shabbos, I change Aryeh Leib's diaper in anticipation of "men's afternoon out" (aka: mommy needs a Shabbos nap so Abba gets to take the boys to the park). Two minutes later, Jason brings AL to me holding his nose. "Not again!" I exclaim. I decide to check Aryeh Leib's diaper before stripping the kid completely- just in case. Wadayaknow, it's clean! I turn to YZ and say, "Yitzchok Zevi, tell Abba that it's in his head!" Yitzchok Zevi ponders for a moment and then says to Jason, albeit a bit warily, "Abba, Mommy says that you have poopies in your head."

Another one.....

Grandma is coming to visit soon and YZ has requested that she bring him glue sticks. Grandma told YZ that she plans to bring SIX of them. Excitedly, Yitzchok Zevi turns to his little bro and says, "Did you hear that, Aryeh Leibi???? Grandma is bringing me SIX glue sticks! That way, in case one of them chas v'shalom runs out, I have more!"

Yitzchok Zevi has proven himself to be a real MAN- totally uncommunicative. Every day, I ask him what he did in Chaider and receive in return, every day, the same response: "projects". "What kind of projects?" I ask in earnest. "I don't know- just projects." Well, I've accepted my fate as mommy without a clue and look forward in anticipation to when Aryeh Leib will begin chaider. Then I'll finally know what happens in the place! ...........or not. Last week as Aryeh Leib and I walked back from gan together, I asked him, "So Aryeh Leibi, what did you do in gan today?!" And AL, not yet 2, not quite speaking coherently or in complete sentences, turned to me and said, "poducts".

Here are some recent pics of my little munchkins. Talkative though they aren't, we still have a great time together!

(edit: blogger is not letting me upload pics.......I'll have to try again another time..........harumph)