Friday, June 29, 2007

Good Shabbos

I know I owe y'all footage of the walking. G-d willing next week. In the meantime, we just wanted to wish everyone a good shabbos and extend an open invitation to all who would like to come taste the yummy (and fattening) dessert that we made!

Good Shabbos!
-Shira and Co.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

We Walk!

Sorry, no footage today but you'll have to take my word for it (and have something to look forward to tomorrow!). We walk, we walk, we walk! We also climb INTO our crib from THE FLOOR! Yep, never a dull moment here. Sorry its been a while.....things have been CRAZY with work. Though I haven't had time to blog, I didn't stop taking pics so, enjoy enjoy.

Yitzchok Zevi had his birthday party in Chaider last week. Though a bit shy of five, his party was now since the actual event will take place during summer vacation. On the way home from the party, Yitzchok Zevi asked, "Nachon, Mommy, now I'm five?"
"No, YZ, you are ALMOST five."

"Nu uh, I'm five. I had a birthday party. YOU were there."

"So whats happening on Motzei Tisha B'av?"

"Oh, that? That's when I'm going to be SIX."

ah ha.

Aryeh Leib is SOOOO excited to go to chaider. Especially since instead of chaider (Nefesh HaChaim), he thinks he's going to the local candy store (Mamtakei Eli Chaim). For AL, if there is a candy in hand, life is sweet.

By the way, do these kids look like they are suffering for lack of a TV?

Friday, June 01, 2007

Always on the go

As you can see, we have found a temporary solution for my little acrobat. The only problem is, he's using it (with the help of his experienced older brothers of course) to perfect his technique.

We bought Yitzchok Zevi a new bike this week. Another one??? Yep, he is probably the only kollel kid who can boast not one, but TWO bikes. What can I say- I felt bad for the little guy. His "old" new bike was a wee bit too big for him. No problem with training wheels. However, once the training wheels came off (and he learned to ride a 2 wheeler on a smaller bike), he couldn't even mount his bike! So....the old one will wait until he gets a little taller at which point the "new" new bike will be passed on to AL. Poor AL- stinks not to be the oldest sometimes. Today we took the new bike out for a test run. Everyone (with their respective wheels) had a great time.
They can all use a little more driving practice,though.
With all of the open space, they even managed a traffic jam....

And a few accidents....

*Do not continue reading if you think that you are the nervous type or if don't think you can hold back a comment- oh wait- no one ever comments anyway....*
Speaking of transportation, I put Yitzchok Zevi on a city bus by himself this week. Ok, it was for 2 stops and my friend waited for him on the other end and I was on the cell phone with my friend from the time he boarded the bus until the time he alighted (all of 15 seconds). She told me that he STRUTTED off the bus. He felt SO BIG and I enjoyed a little nachas from my big little boy.