Thank you to all of our supporters. We were truly touched (sniff, sniff) by your responses. In gratitude, we present to you our latest rendition of "Yivanim Nikbitzu Alai". We're thinking of starting our own group. "Boyz in de Bed". Good thing we already have daytime occupations.........
Also, I'm taking a poll.
Red or
Brown????? (Whatever color it is, Thank G-d its finally existent!)

Shir, I think it's brown. Could change, though. Put a little olive and lavender oil on it and rub, rub, rub. Then drip it in the ear.
Love, Mommy
Brown, but that's only cause you told me that's what it is.
What's AL wearing, some kind of strange Mickey Mouse thingy?
Shira, did you get any of my emails from the office this week?
1- who cares what color it is - it's hair!
2- when does YM join the group?
3- I thought AL got rid of his plug!?
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