Its not every day that you get to hang out in a hospital for 3 hours. Jason (finally!) obtained an appointment with an orthopedist in Hadassah hospital- the head of the department no less! Yep, we spent almost an hour and a half waiting for the good professor (and shame on you if you have the chutzpah to call him "Doctor"!) and another hour and a half waiting for the casting technician to finish his lunch. After a sum total of 2 and a half hours of waiting and a half our of actual care, we ventured (or should I say hobbled?) homeward- cast and crutches included. (Actually, nothing was included. We had to pay for everything.) I thought to mention that I am a life member of Hadassah* as is my mother before me and her mother before her and her mother before her! Maybe that would help expedite the process! But then I figured that unless the casting technician also happened to be the director of the hospital, he probably wouldn't fancy setting aside his falafel and pita just because Grandma Goldie has a plaque in the west wing of the fifth floor.
We finally got home at about 4. After candle lighting I left Jason with the big boys while the baby and I went food shopping. This is what happened while I was gone.............

So, its 9 PM on Thursday night. My boys are finally sleeping (I had to rebathe them since they were covered in ice-pops, chocolate pudding, marker, and glue when I returned......) and I haven't done a blessed thing in preparation for shabbos!!!!!
Who wants to host a really nice family of 5 with 3 delicious boys this shabbos?
Better yet, you can take the boys. I'll make deli sandwiches for myself, buy some challah and grape juice, and get a little sleep!
Any takers?
*"Hadassah" is a woman's organization that raises money for Hadassah hospital.
We'll take them whenever you want. Should I check on flight schedules? :)
I'm with "abba"! I'll even pick them up in my little civic. im sure we can all fit.
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