Be careful what you wish for. Just last week I was kvetching to Jason about how we don't spend enough time together. The next day Jason called from Yeshiva to report that he'd done something funky to his ankle (my words, not his) and needed a doctor. He hobbled home, x-rays in one hand, air cast in the other. He's been in the house ever since. You know its serious if the husband won't even leave the house to go to minyan...... Quality time? We've had it in droves this week. Poor guy- and all he was trying to do was save a little old savta from a burning building. Alright, that's not exactly what happened but y'all will never find out because I've been forbidden from blogging about it (Argh!)...........suffice it to say that you have to be super careful in that Bais Medrish- those sefarim can be ruthless.
Our chanukah has been pretty eventful (or should I say uneventful?).
He's in a LOT of pain- enough that he even agreed to see a doctor again. Ironically, there was not an orthopedist to be found in all of Jerusalem. They were ALL-every last one of them- at an orthopedist's conference (which for sure is held like once in 5 years) in Tel Aviv. Sorry folks, no on is allowed to break or injure any bones this week- we are busy conferencing.
Thank G-d my in-laws are friends with lots of doctors! I don't know what we would have done without my FIL's good friend, Mark Berger. Even without seeing Jason in person he was able to give us a pretty good sense of what we were dealing with. Now all we need is a doctor in the family..........
Thank you to Abubby for the generous chanukah gift. We used it to buy.......toy appliances. I tried SO HARD to convince them to get a tool set. But, no, we wanted the iron and the immersion blender (known in our house as the "zhuzher"). We'll display them in our toy room next to our doll strollers. (I'm sorry, G-d, maybe I didn't make myself clear. I said I wanted GIRLS, not BOYS who play like girls.)
Hoping all is well with the lot of ya and wishing everyone a happy Chanukah!
Our chanukah has been pretty eventful (or should I say uneventful?).
He's in a LOT of pain- enough that he even agreed to see a doctor again. Ironically, there was not an orthopedist to be found in all of Jerusalem. They were ALL-every last one of them- at an orthopedist's conference (which for sure is held like once in 5 years) in Tel Aviv. Sorry folks, no on is allowed to break or injure any bones this week- we are busy conferencing.
Thank G-d my in-laws are friends with lots of doctors! I don't know what we would have done without my FIL's good friend, Mark Berger. Even without seeing Jason in person he was able to give us a pretty good sense of what we were dealing with. Now all we need is a doctor in the family..........
Thank you to Abubby for the generous chanukah gift. We used it to buy.......toy appliances. I tried SO HARD to convince them to get a tool set. But, no, we wanted the iron and the immersion blender (known in our house as the "zhuzher"). We'll display them in our toy room next to our doll strollers. (I'm sorry, G-d, maybe I didn't make myself clear. I said I wanted GIRLS, not BOYS who play like girls.)
Hoping all is well with the lot of ya and wishing everyone a happy Chanukah!

1 comment:
Hi Shira, I'm enjoying your blog. Thanks for posting a comment on mine a while back. Happy Chanukah to you and your family. R'S to your husband.
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