Sunday, December 16, 2007

busy busy busy

I know, I know, I know. I'm just about the worst blogger EVER. I know. What can I tell you? I've been busy. VERY busy.
I don't even have the time right now to write a proper blog since am but I will take a few minutes to upload this:

Aren't they so cute? Aren't they so worth waiting for an update? Cute enough to even forgive my delinquency perhaps? Maybe?
What am I so busy with, you ask? Suffice to say I'm busy with revenue generating things. (And I'm having a great time doing it!)
For now, just check out this video. Details to follow.................

Robert Kiyosaki - The perfect business

Shavua Tov, everyone!


Unknown said...

bli ayin hora your boys are precious. Such a lebedik bunch. and they have such a devoted father too :).

(I have no clue who you are on imamother, but I'm enjoying your blog :)

Miriam the Mommy said...

one guess which video I enjoyed!