I haven't posted in a while- we had quite the busy week last week. We signed on a morgtage which is terrifying and exciting all at the same time and as soon as that was done, I came down with a stomach virus. I don't wish it on my worst enemy! I didn't have a chance to write but I did keep track of a couple of classic Yitzchok Zevi/Aryeh Leib "isms". Let the reader be where, however, that this post contains content that is not for the feinthearted. Reader discression is advised...........
Yitzchok Zevi had a bit of a bloody nose last week. He stuck a finger in his nose and pulled out a clump of blood. This of course elicited an "eeeeeewwww!" from YZ and a grimace from me. And then he porceded to wipe his finger on me. I was horrified!!!!! "Yitzchok Zevi, that was so disgusting!!!!!!!" He looked at me for a moment and then said, "but, Mommy, I needed a place to put it." Don't say I didn't warn you!
On Shabbos, Yitzchok Zevi went over to the light/fan switch and shut it off. "Yitzchok Zevi, I really could have used that fan today...." "Oh, do you want me to turn it back on, Mommy?" "I can't ask you to do that on shabbos" (All the while PRAYING that he would decide to turn it back on on his own volition...........) "Ok," he said. "I'll turn it on after shabbos then."
Thanks a ton pall.
The interval between the time that Aryeh Leib's diaper was removed and the time that he was actually placed in the bathtup was about 10 seconds. Guess what he managed to do on my floor in that time?
Yitzchok Zevi told me today that if I didn't give him an ice pop, I wouldn't be allowed to move to HIS apartment in Beitar. I Wonder how he's paying for it.
In this picture, Yitzchok Zevi and Aryeh Leib together dumped a bag of cherios on the floor. I explained to YZ that cherios are for eating and not for dumping. He turned to AL and said, "Aya Leibi, my mommy says that cherios are for eating, not for dumping!" So they both plopped themselves down on the floor and started eating cherios.
NEVER a dull moment, BORUCH HASHEM!