A Kollel Wife in Yesha enjoys, appreciates, and kvetches about her 3 boys (and the princess)!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Eretz Yisroel Musings
Today we had a pool party at the "Amishes" (Yarmush's). Yitzchok Zevi had a blast in the water. Aryeh Leib was less interested but found his place in one of their toy cars. A good time was had by all. On the way home, Yitzchok Zevi looked into the horizon and said, "Mommy, look at the bootiful mountains that haShem made for us to enjoin!" And beautiful they are. His comment made me stop for a moment and appreciate what a special zechut it is to live in Israel. Today was also the day that the first Nefesh'b'Nefesh flights(2005) arrived in Israel. News reports say that today was the largest one-day N. American Aliyah in Israel's history. Aliyah revolution, atchalta d'geula (the start of the redemption), call it what you want- this is the place to be. This little slab of land may be surrounded by our enemies from all sides but I cannot think of a place where I would feel as safe and secure as I do in Eretz Yisroel. It may sound like a contradiction- but its not. "Yerushalayim harim saviv la" As the mountains surround Jerusalem "V'haShem saviv l'amo m'ata v'ad olam" so does the creator surround his people- the Jewish people- now and forever.
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