Today was hefkervelt at the Svei household. Leaky diapers, defrosting freezers, toys askew, bare bottomed children running amok. My sweet little Aryeh Leibi has joined the ranks and now schemes together with his big brother reeking havoc wherever they turn. To Aryeh Leib, the world is one big receptacle. Nothing is sacred- everything is potential garbage just waiting to be discarded. (he's got a good arm too!) I haven't been able to find Yitzchok Zevi's sandal in about a week. I have a sneaking suspicion that Aryeh Leib threw it away. We have to look inside the toilet to make sure it is empty of Lego's before sitting. Every morning I must scavenge for his passy only to find it inside the garbage, the toilet, the toy box, the CEREAL BOX (nice try, AL, but your mom is onto you!). His favorite activity is climbing onto the couch and jumping. Here the two boys went into the freezer by themselves and helped themselves to ices. My nerves are frayed! Though, I must admit, my little monsters are a ton of fun.
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