Today was Yitzchok Zevi's Birthday party in Gan. His real birthday was actually yesterday but there had already been a party in gan on Sunday so we decided to wait until Tuesday to celebrate. Jason almost blew my cover. He came into the house from Minyan on Monday and said, "Yitzchok Zevi! Do you know what today is????" Yitzchok Zevi's back was to me so I started waving madly and mouthing "NOOOOOOOOO! He thinks its tomorrow!!!!!" "Today is..............Monday............and what's tomorrow?" "Yom Shlishi! My Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Well, we FINALLY made it to Yom shlishi and YZ, the Prince, Mr.Birthday boy himself, was walkin on sunshine! He gave out his pekalach to all of his friends, passed out his special birthday cupcakes (that he helped make, of course), and sat on 3 stacked RED chairs- his thrown- the entire day. He even got a present from Morah Miriam. Happy (sort-of) birthday, Yitzchok Zevi!
This is a pic of YZ dressed in Shabbos cloths in honor of the occasion and displaying his pekalach.
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