Monday, July 14, 2008

Pool Party!

Today was HOT. I had lots of laundry to fold and, quite frankly, I didn't want to go anywhere. I figured we'd have a nice quiet afternoon in the house.

"Mommy, what's our plan for today?" (That was YZ)

"What do you mean PLAN?"

Aryeh Leib- "He means what fun thing are we going to do to today?"

(What am I? A one man circus?)

"We're playing at home." (Trying to sound confidant and unwavering)

Both in unison- "nooooooooooo!!!!!!!"

Recognizing that I was waging a loosing battle, I decided to concede defeat and still maintain a vestige of my pride.............and then I had a brainstorm!

"Boys, how 'bout a pool!?"

"Yeeeaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!" (The big 2)
"Yeeeaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!" (The little one- who has no idea why he's 'yeah'ing but it sounds like the right thing to do............)

So, we spent the next 25 minutes blowing up the pool (add on a few minutes for hyperventilation..........), 15 minutes filling it (with buckets- I don't have a hose- am I not a dedicated mommy????), and a half hour splashing in 6 inches of water.........a glorified bathtub.
But, hey, we had fun! And I got to fold my laundry.............


Miriam the Mommy said...

Do off-brand Crocs really float?

Abba said...

Shira, How come you didn't cool off w/them? I think they need their swimmies!!! They would have a wonderful time @ crystal springs w/Zaidie & Bubby