Didn't get a thing done today. We are in the midst of a milestone. We're almost there but not quite. Yisroel Meir has started rolling from his back to his tummy BUT he hasn't figured out how to pull his arm out from under himself which leaves us with, effectively, a beached (and angry) YM. Usually I can get about 10 minutes of activity time (quick start a load of laundry- do the dishes-make lunch-time) out of Yisroel Meir before he starts to melt. I place him on his mat, tummy side up, and he takes out every ounce of aggression (the kind that builds up when he wants something now and I'm in the middle of bathing the big boys) on that poor stuffed hanging giraffe. With our little milestone-in-progress, even that is impossible. He gets stuck, lets out a "Yopp" (for the significance of that word, see "Horten Hears a Who" by Dr. Seuss. A must read.) and I come rescue him. 2 second later he's wailing (or is it whaling?) again. This happens five times in succession within a period of 10 minutes. Argh! Yisroel Meir, get with the program! Either figure out how to get that arm unstuck or don't roll onto your tummy!
I like to outfit... but the cow is much cuter... i can lend it to you if you'd like
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