I must be going crazy. Today I had the following conversation with myself (see what I mean?):
Before I go I need my shoes and the baby's coat. Where are they? Humm....not in the salon....not in the playroom.....not in our bedroom......not in the boy's room.......not in the baby's room. Think, think, think.....oh bother*. Lets try this again. Not in the salon, playroom, bedroom, boys room, baby's room. Argh! Trying to remember where I took off my shoes.......right- muddy-didn't want to bring them in the house. Outside. score! Baby's coat.......he fell asleep while we were out-put him straight into his- crib- right. OK. Shoes are on my feet, the baby has his coat, My head is attached. Lets go. **

Maybe I have spit-up on the brain, perhaps its my 12am, 2am, and 4am rendezvous with Yisroel Meir. Maybe, despite the fact that in my mind I'm still fresh out of seminary, In actually turning 27 soon. Where did the time go? I'm not sure. Wherever it went, perhaps I can find my brain there too.........

*A famous "Whinnie-the-Poo"ism
** I used no poetic license when recounting that soliloquy. It really happened..........
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