They are Boys! They are mud pie baking, dirt flinging, bug stomping, dump a dead bee in my hand boys! Please come visit us but be sure to look before you sit. Look before you sit on a chair lest you sit atop a mud creation. Please look before you sit on our toilets- otherwise you may just fall in.
Oh where is my sugar and spice? I know, it was dumped on the floor because it makes for great skating.

Little boys. Quick close the diaper, no you can't play with knives, please do NOT decapitate that lizard, little boys.
To my future daughters- in- law: I will try my best to tame them but I'm working with very raw materials here. They have big hearts and they love to help their Mommy. I can't promise that they'll know how to fold towels properly but I'll do my best to guide them into mentchen.

How exactly does one pronounce "skyewdiva?" Any idea what words that Aryeh Leibi-ism was concocted from? And DID the lizard actually gtet decapitated?? Inquring minds want to know! :-)
Taka, that WAS a good one!!
Okay, so the little black motorcycle in the planter there... it's South African, no? If it ain't, where did ya get it here?
Good call! We bought it off of a S.African friend who was moving back to S. Africa. How'd ya know about the motorcycles?
One of my friends brought one from SA. She says they're better than most you can find here since they are taller, so the kid doesn't have to squish bend their knees to ride it.
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