So, the moxypen- provided and prepared by our friendly druzi- sits in my fridge.......untouched.
What can I say? Though I was advised by the doctor to start Yisroel Meir on antibiotics, my antiestablishmentism/mother's intuition got the better of me and I decided to hold off......
3 courses of antibiotics in 4.5 months didnt sit well with me so I opted to try something natural.
(All you anti natural- epidural was made by Hashem too-bring on the drugs-types can stop here. This ain't gonna interest you!)
Onion Juice.

1 tsp onion juice (1/2 onion grated finely)
place over the fire for about 30 sec. (Until it boils)
Allow to cool.
Squirt 1/4 to 1/2 of that into infected ear.
This is not a segula! Its not heebeejeebee- onions have antibacterial properties and are supposed to attack the infection!
Did it work? Its hard to know. What I do know is that he stinks.
Beyond that I'm subject to two different doctor's perceptions.
The doctor on Friday night said that his ear was "Really red".
The doctor this morning told me "There is some redness". He also agreed that I could hold off on the antibiotics for now.
Sounds like improvement to me!
In addition, I have a peeled garlic clove resting on the opening of his ear which is supposed to draw out the fluids. (ya ya, feel free to make fun of me.)
The moxypen sits in the fridge tantalizing and tempting me every time the baby gets kvetchy. "Take me," It says. "Put the poor kid out of his misery". (Or was that my Mom? just kidding ma :) )
This is far from the easy road (I'm tired!) and I hope that in the long run this will be better for Yisroel Meir.
So, we'll have to wait and see but the kid does seem on the up and up.
May Hashem grant him a speedy recovery!
Amen! And no vampires!! Bonus!
Why not squirt milk in his ear, at that? It's also anti-everything, and smells much better...
the recommendations for ear infections are: for a child over 2 years old, you can give 48 hours to see if the infection clears on its own, ie is viral. below that age, and certainly with a 5 month old, you're playing with fire. It sounds like you're starting to take medical advice from Tom Cruise, lehavdil.
M&H (MD)
Dr. Howie,
Thank you for your concern. I do this with the approval of my local (U.S. trained) family doctor. Perhaps you know him? Dr. Chaim Cohen from Efrat? Anyway, Had he encouraged me to start the antibiotics I would have done so. In this case it was a random doctor who I didn't know. Knowing that my doctor, Dr. Cohen, is hesitant to perscribe antibiotics- even to a 5 month old- I proceeded accordingly. YM is being monitered DAILY.
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