I have a bone to pick with stores that place their most alluring, enticing, and breakable merchandise in a place that is accessible to MY children. Then, they have the chutzpa to plaster across the front of the store "you break it, you buy it"! Have a little rachmanus, will ya? "So," (or "Nu" as the sabras prefer) "Don't shop with your kids," they respond. Well, when you live in a community that is 63% CHILD, you are bound to have a tyke or two meander into your store- you may as well make it kid friendly! And what about those supermarkets that have OPEN boxes of cookies and chocolates* strategically placed at squirt level? "Price is determined by weight," you say? Ok, Aryeh Leib, please cough up the half cookie that you've already stealthily consumed because Mommy needs to pay for it. Ah, I can also pay a SHEKEL PER COOKIE. That's lovely. And while I'm on the subject, I'd like to publicly decry that mean cashier who shushes my kids when we're on line at the supermarket. I'd like to see how docile YOUR kids are at 4:30 in the afternoon after being shlepped through the entire supermarket (and being remarkably well behaved I must note). Harumph!
*American readers, please note that I refer here to makolets- Israeli mini markets, that are a tad more heimish than ShopRite :)
1 comment:
I'm not mekabel this shvach on holy Beitar!! Although, they do the same things in America...
At least here the furitive half cookie is kosher!! Better than open bins of pork rinds...
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