Sunday, December 16, 2007
busy busy busy
I don't even have the time right now to write a proper blog since am but I will take a few minutes to upload this:
Aren't they so cute? Aren't they so worth waiting for an update? Cute enough to even forgive my delinquency perhaps? Maybe?
What am I so busy with, you ask? Suffice to say I'm busy with revenue generating things. (And I'm having a great time doing it!)
For now, just check out this video. Details to follow.................
Robert Kiyosaki - The perfect business
Shavua Tov, everyone!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Its not our minhag (custom), Ok?

So now most everyone does it, especially in Israel. Everyone except the Svei's. Litvaks to the core, and proud of it, we do not practice customs that are not our own. (lest we should G-d forbid be confused for chassidim!!!!)*

"Wow, you cut his hair?" (Was that a statement or a question?)
"Yep. Our custom is not to wait until 3."
"Your custom is specifically NOT to wait until 3?"
"No, there is no law that dictates waiting until 3. That's a custom, but not OUR custom."
"Are you sure it isn't law?"
"pretty sure. My husband is a fan of keeping the laws. This he wont let me do."
"He won't let you?"
"Nope. He doesn't want people to mistakenly think its a law.............even if it is cute."
"Let them ask," he tells me. Very easy for him to say. He's not the one fielding questions all day long. Reason #1,240,653 why I'm ready for a girl!
*That was a joke. We really love Chassidim!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Who's gunna win this color war?

Monday, October 29, 2007
Lucky Mommy

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Home and attitude Improvement
This would have been (eventually) fine and well except that the husband - being that great husband that he is- does NOT like to see me melancholy. Not even a little bit.
"Shir, WHAT can we do for you?" he asked.
"Let's move to Lakewood." I answered.
He winced.
"How 'bout a different idea."
"Passaic?" I offered.
"I meant a more local idea."
"Buy me a car?"
"A cheaper idea."
"Let me put shelves in my shed to the tune of 1600 NIS so that I can maximize what little space I have since REALLY I could use a house with a basement......"
"There isn't anything cheap that will make you happy? A book or something?"
"OK, shelves it is! But nothing else, promise?"
"Fine. Shelves in the shed.......and in the playroom. And then that's it."
"You said that $30,000 ago!"
Truth is, I let him off easy. I could also use shelves in the broom closet, the baby's room, etc. etc.
And so.........
the shelves in the shed are a work in progress but here are my play-room shelves:

I LOVE having places to put things! My mind feels less cluttered when my things have places. (My husband may take issue with that statement!) He often wonders why I buy the things in the first place. What can I say? I'm a woman. I need things. I need things and I need shelves,closets, and drawers for my things.
note: many of the toys are to high for the kids to reach. that was not a mistake. Remember last winter when I left an ailing husband alone with my boys?
Speaking of home improvement, this isn't new but I don't think I've shared my new"ish" area rug. its already old enough to need a good cleaning but that's the thing- its modular! I can pick up each square individually and hand-wash it. Now I just have to find the time to make it happen. Fun, no?
I can think of so many more things to add/change in my apartment but for now I'll just enjoy and take care of what I have. (Those shelves are helping alleviate my sadness........)
How long do you think this couch is going to last?
Family or no family, stuff storage or bursting balagan, we continue to have good times at the Svei's!
Until next time........
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I didn't give up the blog!

First I accidentally put my memory card into the washing machine, then we went to America for Tanta Leeba's wedding, then came the chagim, and work is CRAZY (though that doesn't stop my illustrious boss from regaling us with the latest from her princess- long may she reign- both the boss and the princess) (Now can I have my raise?)
So here I sit at 12:50am, ignoring the dishes and my delivery from the grocery store (why is it so much esaier to pull the stuff off the shelf in the store than to put it back onto the shelf in my kitchen?) because, despite the fact that I may be the meanest mommy in less that 5 hours from now (yikes!), I simply cannot be remiss any longer. They are 2 months older, bigger, crazier! 2 months more practiced at taking my house apart! 2 months more adept at terrorizing little kids in the park (a terrorizer? not my kid.)......2 months more proficient at climbing up the walls (I exagerate not. I'll video it for y'all some time)
But they are also 2 months wiser, 2 months more sensitive to the world around them. Yisroel Meir's continued development is constantly clear but even the big boys surprise me- sometimes the differences are day to day. The 2 big boys slept in the sukkah this year. They also went with their Abba to dance in a few different shuls on Simchas Torah, bedeked in their yontif (nee wedding) finery. I kvelled. Yitzchok Zevi continues learning how to read and Aryeh Leib.....well, he continues to like chocolate.
The other day we played a word game that encouraged the boys to identify parts of an object that are intrinsic to it.
"Have you ever seen a chair without legs?" I said.
Yitzchok Zevi responded, "Have you ever seen a table without legs?"
"Well, have you ever seen an airplane without a wing?" I countered.
Yitzchok Zevi replied, "Have you ever seen a house without a door?"
Then Aryeh Leib piped up, "Have you ever seen a cake without sprinkles?"
Some things never change........
And other things really do..........
Our big change of the week: Yisroel Meir started going to gan! He's only going 2 mornings a week since- quite frankly- I'm not ready to give up my baby just yet. I have a parenting class once a week in the morning (babies are not invited) and I figured I'd send him one more day just to give him a sense of continuity. I got emotional when he came home with fingerpaint on his hand. My baby is doing art! So far he's doing fantastic. He loves the ganenet and is having a party with kids his own size. (And, of course, I don't have a complex about this issue at all.......I feel no need whatsoever to justify sending my baby to a sitter.)
And look what he can do now!

Oh yeah, I'm in trouble.
I'm off to get some shut-eye. More adventures to follow iy"h. (bli neder!)
Monday, August 13, 2007
The Joys of Boys (an old post expanded)

Once, one of my boys waltzed into the kitchen, his fist clenched. "Mommy, I have a present for you!" Ignoring the tell tale suspicious grin, I decided to play along. He probably found a candy in the carpet or perhaps a push-pin. "Show me," I told him, extending my hand. (That move was so incredibly ridiculous; I think I deserved what I got….) He dumped a dead bee into my palm, turned on his heals, and unceremoniously skipped out of the room. They are Boys! They are mud pie baking, dirt flinging, bug stomping, dump a dead bee in my hand boys!
We ride bikes, we go exploring, we investigate! We climb, we dig, we build fortresses out of pebbles. Did you know that if you pluck a lizard's tail, it will grow back again? And if you plug up an ant hole, they will inevitably find somewhere else (in your house) to bore a new one. Birds grow hysterical if they feel trapped and a dead branch will not magically resurrect, even if replanted in an empty baby food canister on your Mommy's newly mopped porch.

I am often stopped by strangers as I walk through the street, followed by my brood in blue. "Wow, you have only boys?" they ask. "ONLY Boys?" I think I'm rather lucky. I wouldn't quite know what to do with a girl. "Hair doing" as a prerequisite for leaving the house? We just slap on the Kipa, tuck the Payos, and go!
I must admit, I do long for at least one pretty-in-pink who will keep me company inside while my husband and "the boys" sojourn in the sukkah. Sometimes I dream about my boys, grown and married, spending all of their time with the 'other side' as I sit by my lonesome- the perpetual shvigger.
In the meantime, my boys are little. We have PLEANTY of time before I could even entertain the possibility of dumping them on some poor unsuspecting kallah. And I need time- lots of it- because there is much to do. They must learn to set the table, to put their cloths in the hamper, to vacuum. Most importantly, I intend to teach them how to communicate. I've already started and I think its going quite well.
Yitzchok Zevi turned to me, his expression grave. " I don't ever want to communicate," he said.
"Why not?" I ask.
"because Abba said that its very bad to communicate."
"Really?", I press him," Are you sure that’s what Abba said?"
"Yes, he said that there was communicate in Russia a while ago and it was very bad for the Jewish people."

Please visit us but be sure to look before you sit. Look before you sit on a chair lest you park yourself atop a mud creation. Please look before you sit on our toilets- otherwise you may just fall in.
Where is my sugar and spice? it was dumped on the floor because it makes a great surface for roller blading.
We'd love to see you but we cannot take any responsibility for your physical wellbeing while you are in our home. We are too busy protecting ourselves and the baby. We do suggest, however, that you stay clear of their 'landing pad' that were once my throw pillows. I guess there's a reason they are called throw pillows.

They are little boys. Quick close the diaper, no you can't play with knives, please do NOT decapitate that lizard, little boys. They are little boys that I hope- I pray!- will turn into big mentchen. Today they run around the table like wild Indians but I have sweet dreams of a shabbos table surrounded by singing boys (in perfect harmony, of course.) Today they kick and punch but in my dream they are gesticulating at each other- each one trying to convince his brother of the correctness of his pshat.
They are wild, crazy, exhausting, infuriating, boisterous, unruly, energetic little boys. They are little boys who I'm about to take (BY MYSELF!!!!!) on an airplane! G-d help our fellow travellers............

Thursday, August 09, 2007
Growing Up (too!) Fast

AL: Nu-uh
Looking forward to seeing you there soon!
-Shira and Co.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Funny Sabra, laughing Mommy
- On Friday night, YZ complained that a hang nail was bothering him.
Me: I can't touch it on shabbos, Yitzchok Zevi.
YZ: Well, can I?
Me; I"ll have to ask Abba. He knows the halacha.
YZ: Well, I know more halacha than Abba.
Me: Really
YZ: Sure! I know SO much Torah. I learned in all of Gan Tami and ALL of Gan Chani. Do you know how much Torah that is????????
- On shabbos, Yitzchok Zevi wanted a walking partner while Aryeh Leib was quite content to sit in the stroller. YZ lifted his nose into the air and said (snorted, better yet) "That's fine, I'll walk. I want to get bawee (thats healthy in hebrew- Elmer Fudd style) things in my body. That's what happens if you walk. So what if I get my shoes a little dusty. That's the whole point about shoes anyway."
- Today YZ and I were walking to shefa shuk when YZ stopped short and said, "Mommy, hold on a sec. I have wocks in my cwoks" (Why don't ya just move over, Elmer.)
- Tonight I couldn't find the boys' toothpaste so I had to use "Mommy and Abba toothpaste". After being quite the good sport and allowing me to brush his teeth anyway, YZ sat up, rolled his eyes, and said, "Wow, that was AWFUL!"
Friday, July 27, 2007
Animals All Around

Where did you get those hideous shoes?????? We've jumped on the bandwagon- my boys, I mean- I would NEVER!!!!!! Comfortable though everyone claims they are (and how comfortable can the 20 shekel imitation brand be anyway?), I shouldn't fancy walking around in shoes who's name is derived from its resemblance to a crocodile's snout. I only succumbed because they were the cheapest tisha b'av option on the market. Though, one could argue that Yisroel Meir didn't REALLY need tisha b'av shoes and that - perhaps- I was looking for a (not so?) good excuse to buy them.......Ok, fine! They may resemble a tinker toy on steroids but gosh darn it my kids look REALLY cute in them!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
The fun never ends!
Aryeh Leib and I were loading the laundry machine together.
The machine reached its capacity at which point I turned to AL and said, "Good job, Aryeh Leib! Why don't you sit down on the couch now so that I can read you a book."
AL shook his head and responded, "No, Mommy, I want to help you put in the sugar too."
And, just to give you a taste of what I'm up against here (and because what's a good blog without a picture or a video???)
YM, at his best........
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Yisroel Meir film fest
Here's YM walking (as promised) and being a mazik....
More Walking....
Having so much fun, he just couldn't bring himself to go to sleep!
Making trouble....
Happy Birthday YM!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Good Shabbos
Sunday, June 24, 2007
We Walk!

Yitzchok Zevi had his birthday party in Chaider last week. Though a bit shy of five, his party was now since the actual event will take place during summer vacation. On the way home from the party, Yitzchok Zevi asked, "Nachon, Mommy, now I'm five?"
"No, YZ, you are ALMOST five."
"Nu uh, I'm five. I had a birthday party. YOU were there."
"So whats happening on Motzei Tisha B'av?"
"Oh, that? That's when I'm going to be SIX."
ah ha.

By the way, do these kids look like they are suffering for lack of a TV?

Friday, June 01, 2007
Always on the go
We bought Yitzchok Zevi a new bike this week. Another one??? Yep, he is probably the only kollel kid who can boast not one, but TWO bikes. What can I say- I felt bad for the little guy. His "old" new bike was a wee bit too big for him. No problem with training wheels. However, once the training wheels came off (and he learned to ride a 2 wheeler on a smaller bike), he couldn't even mount his bike! So....the old one will wait until he gets a little taller at which point the "new" new bike will be passed on to AL. Poor AL- stinks not to be the oldest sometimes. Today we took the new bike out for a test run. Everyone (with their respective wheels) had a great time.
They can all use a little more driving practice,though.
With all of the open space, they even managed a traffic jam....
And a few accidents....
*Do not continue reading if you think that you are the nervous type or if don't think you can hold back a comment- oh wait- no one ever comments anyway....*
Speaking of transportation, I put Yitzchok Zevi on a city bus by himself this week. Ok, it was for 2 stops and my friend waited for him on the other end and I was on the cell phone with my friend from the time he boarded the bus until the time he alighted (all of 15 seconds). She told me that he STRUTTED off the bus. He felt SO BIG and I enjoyed a little nachas from my big little boy.
Monday, May 21, 2007
poor wittle guy

Monday, May 14, 2007
We're getting big

Aryeh Leib is turning 3 tomorrow. I can't believe how quickly time flies. He's SO big! Then I think about the fact that most of his life he's been living in Beitar- and we haven't been in Beitar very long. Incidentally, this blog is almost as old as he is. There's perspective for ya.
Yisroel Meir is ALMOST walking! He stands beautifully and has even taken A step. I haven't yet convinced him to do a repeat performance. Soon soon.......
And he loves giving kisses- just not on command.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Lag B'Omer
Just a little taste of Lag B'Omer here in the Holy Land. I took this tonight at a local (Beitar, that is) bonfire. Me thinks we won't be making the trip to Meiron this year. Hmmmm..........2.5 hour bus ride with 3 kvetchy kids to reach a place teaming with hundreds of thousands of people in varying degrees of inebriation. I think we'll skip that one. Those who have been to Meiron, the burial site of R'Shimon Bar Yochai, claim that the spiritual elevation that one can achieve there is unmatchable. AL's ganenet commented, "Inside the burial site is like Yom Kippur and outside the site is like Simchas Torah". A very nice idea but not one that I'm looking to substantiate at this time. Todah Rabah.
A happy Lag B'Omer to all!
p.s. no comments about unsupervised kids around the bonfire. Thanks!
Friday, May 04, 2007
Svei's on wheels
Below is Yisroel Meir being navigated ever so deftly by his big brother .
Our latest development is that YZ took off his training wheels ("Galgalei Ezer" in Hebrew. The boys have dubbed them "Galgalei Uncle Ezer").
The events unfolded rather quickly.
Yesterday we visited friends who's son, Moishy, had just learned to ride without training wheels. I observed as Yitzchok Zevi gawked at Moishy with a mixture of excitement, awe, and envy. I watched as the cogs began to turn in his little head. And then the inevitable question........I knew it was coming.......
"Mommy, when are we going to take off MY training wheels?" I was NOT ready for this. I was quite satisfied with the state of events as they were heretofore. But, alas, I wasn't given much of a choice.........
So off they went.
I don't yet have footage of my paperboy-in-training but he's actually getting the hang of it very quickly. He has great balance and is VERY motivated to be like his friend, Moishy. Whilst visiting Moishy, the two of them went to play with a third boy down the street. Incidentally, I knew that YZ did not like this other boy very much. When he returned, I questioned him. "So, do you like playing with Dani (not his real name) now?" "Yeah," YZ replied. "What changed?" I asked. "Mommy, its like this. I like any boy who can ride a bike without training wheels. If he needs training wheels, well, I don't want to play with him. That's how it goes."
...........We may need to fine tune our barometer for choosing good friends but at least I know my kid is self aware (and brutally honest).
Good Shabbos, everybody!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Nachas moments

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Aryeh Leib the Chossid (and a little bit of good ol' Jewish guilt for dessert)
I'd just like to note that I've been such a faithful blogger recently, don't I deserve some kind of a response? Hello Hello Hello........... Anybody there there there there.............................Have I been talking to myself all this time?
Sunday, April 22, 2007
blogging stam (just because)

Thursday, April 19, 2007
What's In a Name?
Now I'm pondering the potential plausibility and point of this popular practice........
What do y'all think?
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Back to Business (I mean Kollel)
And of course Abba is having a blast too.
Could ya tell?

Ever the devoted Kollel wife, I don't (Chas V'chalila!) want to (Chas V'shalom!) give off the impression that I don't (Chas V'karpas!) wan't my husband to forever remain sequestered in a discreet corner of some nameless hovel in the heart of meah she'arim pouring over volume after volume........its just that I kinda like having him around.
So, I'll send him off with a smile (even if its a bit forced) and start counting the days till summer bain hazmanim!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Posting on Pesach

Aryeh Leib started wearing Tzitzis in honor of the chag (and in honor of AL being potty trained- POO POO)
Yisroel Meir has started doing exciting tricks.
He knows how to laugh on command......
and how to shake his head.....
All of the important things in life :)
Yesterday was the first day of (Eretz Yisroel) chol hamoed. We decided to take a trip to the kotel fulfilling the mitzva of Aliyah l'regel (visiting the site of the temple during the 3 main holidays- pesach among them). Our first stop upon reaching the kotel was (can you guess?) the bathroom. The following exchange transpired between YZ and myself as we exited the bathroom:
YZ: Mommy, why did evil people destroy the beis hamikdash many years ago?
Me: Because the Jewish people didn't listen to Hashem and weren't nice to each other.
YZ: Oh. Well, how come they didn't destroy the bathrooms?
Things that make ya go hmmm..............
A happy and Kosher to one and all!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Chicken Anyone?
The party is officially over. Yisroel Meir no longer reigns in our home. Our local despot-in-diapers, our tyrannical tot, has abdicated the Svei scepter and has (finally) assumed his rightful position as bouncing baby boy. Thank you, Dr. Ferber.
In other news, our local ENT has recommended prophylactic antibiotics for YM. Ever the antiestablishmentist (is that a word?), I plan to take him for a second opinion. My inclination is to skip the chemicals and just get the kid tubes. However, since last time I checked, I'm not an ENT, or even a plain ol' Dr. for that matter, I think I'll defer to a professional. And if he doesn't agree with me, well I'll just find one that does. ;)
Is anyone interested in a tray or 40 of shnitzel? This was a classic case of "stupid American". We ordered chicken and meat through a special pre-Pesach sale. Minimum order for shnitzel was eight trays. So, dumb American that I am, I wrote on the order form "8". Well apparently it meant that you can order in increments of 8 trays. So, if you want 8 trays, you write on the order form "1"......................
Meanwhile, I'm exhausted. This is what was happening at the Svei's this morning at 6:20. (note: They are ALREADY dressed). Its been a loooooong day. G'nite everybody!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Pesach is a comin'

Speaking of phenomenons, we've found an interesting one in regards to YM. Things that would cause many babies to cower and cry, YM finds hysterical. Yitzchok Zevi derives special pleasure in scaring the dickens out of Aryeh Leib, growling and barking at the top of his lungs. Once, in an effort to get his daily dose of little brother terrorizing, YZ did the same to YM as well. Yisroel Meir, totally unfazed thought it was the funniest thing in the world. The louder Yitzchok Zevi barked, the harder YM laughed. Then they both started barking at each other......
Monday, March 12, 2007
Always A Party

Monday, March 05, 2007
Anyone still reading this thing?

Here are the boys in their purim costumes (Thanks Grandma!). t'isnt the best pic of my boys but you get the idea.....
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Just stoppin by

Also, I'd like to publicly apologize for not crediting my sister with the feet picture idea. She was offended, apparently. I thought about mentioning it before, Rache, but you said that you lifted the idea from somewhere else so I figured it'd be funny to say "I lifted this idea from my sister who lifted it from somewhere else." Anyway, we have different feet in our picture ;)
Its 1:30 AM and I'm off to bed (as is YM).
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Renegade Blogger

Anyway, Lots has happened in the last 3 weeks!
Grandma, Tanta Bachie (Otherwise known as Rachel. What do you want from people who turn "Aryeh Leib" into "Lubi"???) and cousin Gavi came to visit. We had such a graet time! Grandma was supposed to visit by herself but then we begged her to bring Gavi too. Rachel came by default. (JK, bache :) ) It was really such a special visit and we were so sad to say goodbye.
Aryeh Leib is, poo poo (no pun intended)(didn't I use that line already?) officially potty trained. He even wears underware to bed! I feel like I'm livin the good life- only changing one tushy now. Speaking of one tushy, I still haven't switched to cloth diapers yet. I'm such a woos. I'm gunna do it one of these days (for sure before the next time I blog ;) ) What else......Yisroel Meir has 2 teeth. Had I written this post 3 days ago I would have reported 3 teeth but the third has mysteriously disappeared into the recesses of YM's gums. I'm genuinely stumped!
Jason's cast is due off tomorrow. To be a bit more accurate, Jason has an appointment with the orthopedist tomorrow. It is highly likely that his cast will be removed but we won't know for sure until the orthopedist examines him. Calling all yidishe mamas- please have a little extra kavuna for the husband when saying your daily round of sefer tehillim. If the orthopedist decides to recast him, I think he may actually cry.
Yitzchok Zevi continues to make us laugh with his antics . He also continues to prove to me that I have to be careful what I say in front of him since he doesn't miss a beat. In a fit of frustration, I said to YZ "You are such a punk!". Today AL angered YZ (for one reason or another- though I don't think that YZ actually needs a reason to terrorize AL. I believe he thinks its his right as an older brother. What do you say to that, Rachel?). Yitzchok Zevi wacked Aryeh Leib and yelled, "You are such a punk!". Good thing I'm American. They don't know what a punk (read: pay, vav, nun, kuf) is in chaider. At least he won't get me into trouble there.
I'm off to bed. On the way I'll try to deposit my baby into his crib. If that doesn't work I'll just bring him into my bed. YAWN! Yiddishe Mama's, please also have kavuna that my baby starts sleeping like a baby, and not like a newborn. He's really cute but I see him WAY more often than I should.....
Here's a pic of my boys and Gavi. Come visit us again soon, Gavi! (You can come too, Bache :) )

Monday, January 01, 2007
Hello Again