Monday, December 26, 2005
double trouble
My kids are crazy. I am beginning to sound like a broken record. This is all I have to report- post after post. But, the honest truth is, they are forever finding more creative ways to make trouble. I can't fault them- they are curious kids. I like to think its an indication of extraordinary intellegence. They should use it for good things!! Right now, getting into my things is especially exciting for them since I have lots of stuff in boxes. Every box is a new adventure. Today's adventure involved a box of toiletries. I won't go into too much detail but but just as an example- they discovered that corn cushions make really fun puffy stickers. I keep warning them that they'd better get in all of their fun now because as soon as we get into our apartment the party is over. There will be locks on EVERY cabnit, EVERY appliance, EVERY door, and EVERY chair will be NAILED to the floor. Ok, I'm exagerating a bit about the chair nailing but anything that has a door with be YZ and AL proof. My house will NOT be a free-for-all!!!! Ha! (Whatever. We'll just have to wait and see who gets the last laugh. Why do I have this funny feeling it aint gunna be me?)
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
We Win!
We have hundreds of picture cards of different animals, objects, vehicals, etc. The kids enjoy looking at and identifying the pictures and I am happy that Yitzchok Zevi is practicing his english vocabulary.
The other day Jason was flipping through the pictures and we were quite impressed by what Yitzchok Zevi was able to identify. He recognized a rhino, a hippo, kangaroo, a frying pan, etc.
Then Jason pointed to a picture TV.
"What's this, Yitzchok Zevi?"
"An Oven."
We win!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to the wild and crazy adventures of YZ and AL! Yitzchok Zevi and Aryeh Leib are 2 months older, 2 months wiser, and 2 months more experienced at making trouble. We took a little break (ok, a big break) because of technical difficulties but now we have a wonderful new camera (Thanks, Grandma!) and are most definitely camera it any indication that I've used up all the space on my memory card TWICE and I only got the camera yesterday?
The big news is that we got the keys to our apartment and at this point await the arrival of our lift so that we can move in! Thank you again to Grandma, Bubby, and Zaidy for all of your help with the lift. As Yitzchok Zevi told one of my friends, "Now we are wenting on Ben Zakai" but soon we will be in our very own apartment in Givah B!
Aryeh Leib is starting to say more words though he doesn't need words at all to make himself VERY WELL understood. Yitzchok Zevi is as funny and witty as ever.
A YZ quip:
"Mommy, there are kinderlach in my chaider that eat chocolate for lunch. Thats not baree (healthy) at all. I eat Peanut Butter."
"Is Peanut Butter healthy, YZ?"
"Yep and if you put peanut butter with the chocolate, that will be healthy too!"
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Aryeh Leiby Baby
I have to get it out of my head that Aryeh Leib is a baby. He's not. He is a full fledged trouble maker and monkey. I assume that he cant do things like climb out of his crib or onto the table- but he really can! I don't give the kid enough credit. He is really and truely capable of reeking havoc all by his lonesome! I've already accepted the fact that Yitzchok Zevi has mistaken our book shelves for a jungle gym. I didn't realize until yesterday that Aryeh Leib can do the same. I was davening mincha in the corner by the book shelf. Suddenly Aryeh Leib was next to me AT EYE LEVEL!!!!!!!! Its a good thing I cover my hair- it'll hide all the grey that I'm going to get soon.
Makas Choshech
Great new way to meet the neighbors! Just have your 3 yr old turn off your fuse box in the middle of Yontif.
I asked him what posessed him. He said that he likes the "snapping" sound. I pointed out to him that the contents of our freezer were going to defrost. He told me not to worry- that he would turn it back on after Yontif. My little Tzadik.
Thank G-d for those nice neighbors who lent us lots of freezer space.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Partners in Crime
I think I'm going to just concede defeat right now. I am outnumbered and am CLEARLY the underdog here. Each of my boys has alot of ........... energy but when they pool their resources, they are crazy!!!!
Yesterday morning I put my head down on the couch for TEN minutes. See, I was a bit tired since theyd woken up at 4:00 AM that morning. In that TEN minutes, they managed to open up a bag of chocolate chips, 3 packages of tissues, a tub of chumus, and cottage cheese. They proceded to dump all of these items on the floor. Yitzchok Zevi tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Look, Mommy, we are makin a chocolate cake for shabbos!"
This morning they both disappeared to the back of the apartment. I decided to give them a little space and waited a few minutes to follow. Apparently it only takes five minutes to turn 6 towers of neatly piled empty boxes (waiting to be used G-d willing soon..........) into a sea of box. In addition, Aryeh Leib was delighted to learn that when you overturn a box filled with stuff, the contents spill out everywhere. Yitzchok Zevi was the one who enlightened him to this reality. Unfortunately for them, they both learned that doing this makes mommy REALLY MAD.
I'm going to sleep.
Monday, September 26, 2005
We Moved!
So I finally found that cord that I use to transfer pics from my digital..........who says that moving organizes you? Anyhoo, we are back and while there are no promises for a blog every day, we will try to be a little more consistent.
Welcome to Beitar- "Ir haTorah b'harei Yehuda"! A Torah city in the Judean Mountains. It is so unbelievably beautiful here. There is nothing that I can say that could do justice to the beauty. Have no fear though- I'll post pleanty of pics. Beitar is an oasis of green surrounded by red desert mountain. There's one strip that I pass where I am forced to comment on the beauty each and every time. Y'all will just have to come visit us and experience it for yourselves.
Thank G-d, I must say that our adjustment has been quite smooth. Yitzchok Zevi is enjoying cheder though he asks me daily when he'll have his Rebbe. I don't have the heart to tell him that he won't have a Rebbe for another 2 years! For now he'll have to be satisfied with Mowa (Morah) Tami and Mowa Chaya.
Jason is thrilled with his kollel. He really appreciates being able to learn locally after having travelled all the way to the old city for a zman. He always said that he wanted to find somewhere at the end of the earth to just sit and learn in peace. He found it. His kollel is at the very tip of Beitar. If you go any farther you literally fall off the mountain. All he can see from the bais medrish is desert!
My boys and I are, of course, getting to know all of the parks (sand parks- ugh) and any other place we can find to get really dirty. We have a good time. Here are pics of us getting- surprise- very messy!
Note: Aryeh Leib got a hair cut since my last blog..................I had mentioned to Jason in passing that I wanted to get AL's hair cut. I MEANT a trim. He decided to surprise me and surprise me he did! What you see in the pics is 4 weeks POST hair cut. He looks like he could join his big brother in cheder!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Yitzchok Zevi is forever making me laugh (except for when he exasperates and frustrates me!)
Yesterday we asked him "Yitzchok Zevi, why does a little boy need to wear a kippa" Without hesitation he said, "If a boy doesn't wear his kippa, we say oy yoy yoy yoy yoy!"
He yanked a toy away from Aryeh Leib and said to him, "aleibi, this toy is WEVY (very) misukan for you! You could Chas V'chalila get a HUGE booboo."
This morning, YZ asked for an ice pop. I told him, "Yitzchok Zevi, ice pops are not a choice for breakfast." He replied, "so lets not have breakfast now."
And then there's the confusion that comes with being bilingual....
A hole in hebrew is called a "Chor". Yitzchok Zevi calls it a chole.
Because in hebrew is "Ki". Yitzchok Zevi says "bikeeze".
These are pics of the boys having a great time at the park!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Gush Katif
As we find ouselves in the wake of the gaza pullout and the evacuation of over 21 flourishing communities comprised of more than 9000 people, the Svei boys would like to take a little web space to show their support for Gush Katif. Yehudi lo migaresh Yehudi! They also wish to dedicate the carrot kugel that they helped make in honor of shabbos as a zechut for the Jews of these communities. Hatzlacha.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Little helpers
Top 10 reasons why you should NOT get a mishloach when the kids are awake......
10. Now they know where the shabbbos treats are hidden
9. the contents of the boxes become the contents of the salon, the kitchen, and the bedrooms.
8. All produce that started out firm is now fruit soup appropriate
7. Boxes that could have been used for packing are now mutalated
6. Israeli yogurt has flimsy covers.......
5. Apparently, 14 month olds are capable of climbing onto the table with the aid of boxes and chairs
4. I now have confirmation that fish stix- frozen- straight form the bag are also tasty.
3. Red peppers stain.
2. Once bent, it is difficult to reshape disposable tins.
And the number 1 reason why you should NOT include your kids when unpacking groceries...........
1. 3 year olds do a great job at shaking up soda bottles. Apparently they know how to open soda bottles too.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Not for the feinthearted
I haven't posted in a while- we had quite the busy week last week. We signed on a morgtage which is terrifying and exciting all at the same time and as soon as that was done, I came down with a stomach virus. I don't wish it on my worst enemy! I didn't have a chance to write but I did keep track of a couple of classic Yitzchok Zevi/Aryeh Leib "isms". Let the reader be where, however, that this post contains content that is not for the feinthearted. Reader discression is advised...........
Yitzchok Zevi had a bit of a bloody nose last week. He stuck a finger in his nose and pulled out a clump of blood. This of course elicited an "eeeeeewwww!" from YZ and a grimace from me. And then he porceded to wipe his finger on me. I was horrified!!!!! "Yitzchok Zevi, that was so disgusting!!!!!!!" He looked at me for a moment and then said, "but, Mommy, I needed a place to put it." Don't say I didn't warn you!
On Shabbos, Yitzchok Zevi went over to the light/fan switch and shut it off. "Yitzchok Zevi, I really could have used that fan today...." "Oh, do you want me to turn it back on, Mommy?" "I can't ask you to do that on shabbos" (All the while PRAYING that he would decide to turn it back on on his own volition...........) "Ok," he said. "I'll turn it on after shabbos then."
Thanks a ton pall.
The interval between the time that Aryeh Leib's diaper was removed and the time that he was actually placed in the bathtup was about 10 seconds. Guess what he managed to do on my floor in that time?
Yitzchok Zevi told me today that if I didn't give him an ice pop, I wouldn't be allowed to move to HIS apartment in Beitar. I Wonder how he's paying for it.
In this picture, Yitzchok Zevi and Aryeh Leib together dumped a bag of cherios on the floor. I explained to YZ that cherios are for eating and not for dumping. He turned to AL and said, "Aya Leibi, my mommy says that cherios are for eating, not for dumping!" So they both plopped themselves down on the floor and started eating cherios.
NEVER a dull moment, BORUCH HASHEM!
Monday, July 25, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
Baby Logic
First, My apologies to Aryeh Leib for wrongly suspecting him of chucking Yitzchok Zevi's sandal. The missing sandal was discovered today in a pile of shoes that had fallen from the shoe rack. How on earth it got there I have no clue (though I have started to formulate a potential scenario in my mind..........). A couple of days ago I offered a prize to whoever could find the sandal. I guess YZ was a bit confused because when I came out of AL's bedroom holding the sandal, Yitzchok Zevi cheered " Hurray! Now I want a prize!"I tried to explain to him that there is no prize because mommy found the sandal, not YZ. He was very upset I thought for sure this was a tantrum in the making. Instead, he decided to be creative. He took off his sandals, threw them into a bedroom and said, "Mommy, do you know where my sandal is? I can't find it. Maybe I'll go look for it. Right, Mommy, whoever finds the missing sandal gets a prize? This blog is ending now because AL just dumped a bag of rice cakes on the floor and has discovered, together with YZ that it makes a funny sound when you stamp on them. Never a dull moment.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Mazik and Mazik Jr.
Today was hefkervelt at the Svei household. Leaky diapers, defrosting freezers, toys askew, bare bottomed children running amok. My sweet little Aryeh Leibi has joined the ranks and now schemes together with his big brother reeking havoc wherever they turn. To Aryeh Leib, the world is one big receptacle. Nothing is sacred- everything is potential garbage just waiting to be discarded. (he's got a good arm too!) I haven't been able to find Yitzchok Zevi's sandal in about a week. I have a sneaking suspicion that Aryeh Leib threw it away. We have to look inside the toilet to make sure it is empty of Lego's before sitting. Every morning I must scavenge for his passy only to find it inside the garbage, the toilet, the toy box, the CEREAL BOX (nice try, AL, but your mom is onto you!). His favorite activity is climbing onto the couch and jumping. Here the two boys went into the freezer by themselves and helped themselves to ices. My nerves are frayed! Though, I must admit, my little monsters are a ton of fun.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Happy Birthday
Today was Yitzchok Zevi's Birthday party in Gan. His real birthday was actually yesterday but there had already been a party in gan on Sunday so we decided to wait until Tuesday to celebrate. Jason almost blew my cover. He came into the house from Minyan on Monday and said, "Yitzchok Zevi! Do you know what today is????" Yitzchok Zevi's back was to me so I started waving madly and mouthing "NOOOOOOOOO! He thinks its tomorrow!!!!!" "Today is..............Monday............and what's tomorrow?" "Yom Shlishi! My Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Well, we FINALLY made it to Yom shlishi and YZ, the Prince, Mr.Birthday boy himself, was walkin on sunshine! He gave out his pekalach to all of his friends, passed out his special birthday cupcakes (that he helped make, of course), and sat on 3 stacked RED chairs- his thrown- the entire day. He even got a present from Morah Miriam. Happy (sort-of) birthday, Yitzchok Zevi!
This is a pic of YZ dressed in Shabbos cloths in honor of the occasion and displaying his pekalach.
Monday, July 18, 2005
Today Yitzchok Zevi and I had a discussion about relationships. He informed me that Michal is Miriam's daughter. I was impressed so I said, "And what about you, Yitzchok Zevi? Are you my daughter or my son?" "I'm your daughter." "No," I replied. "You are my son." He thought for a minute and said, "Ok." Later I decided to review.
"Yitzchok Zevi, who is my son?"
"Your son is in the sky."
"There is a sun in the sky, bubala, but you are also my son."
"Mommy, I not a son."
"Really? Than what are you?"
"I a Yitzchok Zevi!"
Here are some pics of my "daughters".
"Yitzchok Zevi, who is my son?"
"Your son is in the sky."
"There is a sun in the sky, bubala, but you are also my son."
"Mommy, I not a son."
"Really? Than what are you?"
"I a Yitzchok Zevi!"
Here are some pics of my "daughters".
Tonight my friends made a goodbye party for me. I like goodbye parties- but not when they are for me. The girls were so sweet and I was really touched by their efforts but there is nothing I loathe more than to be the center of attention. Even Rebbetzin Friedman was there! I almost melted into the seat when they sang a gramin about me. I can't believe that we are really leaving Har Nof. 2 years passed like the blink of an eye. It seems like just last week we made the move from Ramat Eshkol. In this short time Yitzchok Zevi has grown from a baby into a little man and...........wasn't Aryeh Leibi born yesterday? Soon we'll be off to Beitar- to our own apartment. We have some hectic months ahead. There's packing, and moving, and adjusting. Designing a kitchen, buying furniture, bringing a lift! Yitzchok Zevi is excited about the move to Beitar. Aryeh Leib has indicated that he's sad about leaving Har Nof- or maybe it was a dirty diaper? Either way, I had a kvetchy baby on my hands today. Here are some professional pictures of my big boys. Hazman ratz..........
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Shabbos Prep
Today Yitzchok Zevi and Aryeh Leib helped me make kugels for shabbos. Yitzchok Zevi chose the perfect potatos for me to peal and Aryeh Leib did a great job at discarding the shards........I'll leave the rest up to the readers imagination and spare you details. Anyway, we had a good time and it hellped pass this oppressively hot Jerusalem day. For the record, the eggs in the pictures are hard boiled- i'm not a masochist!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Eretz Yisroel Musings
Today we had a pool party at the "Amishes" (Yarmush's). Yitzchok Zevi had a blast in the water. Aryeh Leib was less interested but found his place in one of their toy cars. A good time was had by all. On the way home, Yitzchok Zevi looked into the horizon and said, "Mommy, look at the bootiful mountains that haShem made for us to enjoin!" And beautiful they are. His comment made me stop for a moment and appreciate what a special zechut it is to live in Israel. Today was also the day that the first Nefesh'b'Nefesh flights(2005) arrived in Israel. News reports say that today was the largest one-day N. American Aliyah in Israel's history. Aliyah revolution, atchalta d'geula (the start of the redemption), call it what you want- this is the place to be. This little slab of land may be surrounded by our enemies from all sides but I cannot think of a place where I would feel as safe and secure as I do in Eretz Yisroel. It may sound like a contradiction- but its not. "Yerushalayim harim saviv la" As the mountains surround Jerusalem "V'haShem saviv l'amo m'ata v'ad olam" so does the creator surround his people- the Jewish people- now and forever.
One of the Boys
Today was Aryeh Leib's first day of Gan! I will be working in the TNS office through the summer which meant that I needed to make arrangements for AL. Morah Miriam has a 19 yr. old daughter, Michal, who is around for the summer so I decided to avail myself of her services. I thought that Michal would watch Aryeh Leib in a part of the apartment, separate from YZ's gan. I was wrong! Apparently Gan Miriam has a new addition who has his own personal shadow! Miriam said that AL had a blast and so did the rest of the kids. And Yitzchok Zevi feels like a king because his baby comes to gan! I was happy to hear that though Yitzchok Zevi derives special pleasure in torturing his little brother at home, he is very protective of him in gan. Nachas!
Motorcycle Mystery or Hashgacha Pratit
Today we solved a mystery! On Thursday, Yitzchok Zevi's beloved (and I mean beloved) riding toy was lifted off of our porch. It was a sad day in the Svei family but I have to give YZ credit- he really took it well. We looked all over our house, our porch, our building but to no avail. What was worse was that I wouldn't be able to replace it. This particular riding toy is made ONLY in S. Africa. I had bought it off of a friend who was moving. I prepared YZ for the possibility that his motorcycle was gone forever. Today I walked into gan to find one of the children sitting on none other than our missing motorcycle! Apparently some kid took it off of our porch, played with it, and then discarded it in a random lobby when he was done. He couldn't take it home- how would he explain this new acquisition to his parents? To our good fortune (siyata dishmaya) that random lobby belonged to a fellow gan-mate, Yossi. Yossi's parents found the motorcycle, put up signs in the building, and got no response. Poor Yossi was a little miffed when his new toy was taken away. This is a picture of an excited YZ sitting on his coveted motorcycle. Case closed!
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Misibat Siyum
Today was Yitzchok Zevi's misibat siyum (commencement). The kids were so cute! Yitzchok Zevi knew every one of the songs-he just refused to sing them. He must have been tired because he sat in a drunken stupor for a bulk of the performance. Wouldn't you be tired if you had a 5:00 reveille? He perked up a bit when Morah Miriam lit fire works (see pic). If asked, I'm sure he would blame it on his sfirat haomer- I mean dam. Miriam, the ganenet, is really something special. She choked up as she asked our forgiveness for any instance where she didn't give as much as she could have to our children. I couldn't have asked for a better year for Yitzchok Zevi. Next year he's off to cheder! What happened to my baby?
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