We are feeling MUCH better- Boruch Hashem. I'm noticing vestiges of my old baby. Even on a good day he's a kvetch ball but at least when he's healthy, his smiley moments are very smiley. When he was sick, we had to kvetch (pardon the pun) a smile out of him.
And we are sitting up AND getting onto all fours! Not only that but since I've been milk free (2 days and counting) YM - my spit up KING- hasn't spit (or is it spat?) up once!!!!! Coincidence? I think not.
We are NOT enjoying our antibiotics. It's kind of handy that Mommy is stronger than YM.
YM and I continue to have our nightly pow-wows (tikun chatzos) in the rocker so I'm still a zombie but that ( I hope) will change soon enough. I'm just so thankful that he seems to be feeling better.
A happy (belated) birthday to Tanta Feigy. We wish you could come visit!! (OR maybe we'll visit you this summer...............)
I LOVED the video you made for tanta bache... oh wait.. there wasnt one!!! I'm doing better for your birthday, no video for you... how about a VISIT!!! Ha top that. Or maybe this summer...
Love tanta bache
shira all i have to say is that ur so funny - u know what i mean
I'm so proud I finally figured out how to respond! Thanks for the birthday wishes- I feel old. Is there something happening this summer that I don't know about??? Don't worry, mommy said she's being cooool!
This is Sarah Rochel (once again, blogger ain't allowing us to sign in any other way but with our gmail account!).
I really liked watching the videos. But I don't understand - I LOVE my medicine(s)! The Mucomed is my favorite (makes me smell like ice cream), but the antibiotics and the ibuprofen are yummy too!!
Maybe my mommy is just a better cook...
Once a week blogging?? You're slipping!
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