Monday, November 06, 2006

Baruch Hashem for Brothers

Cold today though it was, brrrr, my boys and I decided to bundle up, brave the cold, and hit the parks. Apparently we were the only ones with this brilliant idea because the parks were E-M-P-T-Y! That's fine- more toys for us. Twasn't the most social of afternoons for the mommy but the boys had a blast. Yitzchok Zevi and Aryeh Leib laughed (and I cringed) as they gave each other whiplash on the teeter-totter. Then Yitzchok Zevi looked thoughtful (or was he just dizzy from the teeter-totter?) and said,

"Ya know, Mommy, Baruch Hashem I have a brother."

(Can I get that on tape????)

"Ya know why? Because otherwise, I wouldn't have anyone to play with on a day like today. I mean, when I was the first and I was the only kinderlach in our family, the only one that I had to play with was you."

1 comment:

Miriam the Mommy said...

Oh that is toooo sweet!!!