Sunday, December 24, 2006
Yeah, I'm tired.
1. Do NOT hold a tray of 30 eggs with one hand.....
2. MAKE SURE that you have enough money to pay for the food that you'd like to buy........
Its been a looooong couple of weeks. Jason went for more x-rays today and will see the orthopedist again tomorrow. Sigh.
In other news.......
Jason might not be going places but YM sure is! He's not officially crawling- more like swimming. Either way, he definitely gets where he needs to go......sometimes even in the middle of the night (yawn).
Friday, December 22, 2006
I need a vacation!
Its not every day that you get to hang out in a hospital for 3 hours. Jason (finally!) obtained an appointment with an orthopedist in Hadassah hospital- the head of the department no less! Yep, we spent almost an hour and a half waiting for the good professor (and shame on you if you have the chutzpah to call him "Doctor"!) and another hour and a half waiting for the casting technician to finish his lunch. After a sum total of 2 and a half hours of waiting and a half our of actual care, we ventured (or should I say hobbled?) homeward- cast and crutches included. (Actually, nothing was included. We had to pay for everything.) I thought to mention that I am a life member of Hadassah* as is my mother before me and her mother before her and her mother before her! Maybe that would help expedite the process! But then I figured that unless the casting technician also happened to be the director of the hospital, he probably wouldn't fancy setting aside his falafel and pita just because Grandma Goldie has a plaque in the west wing of the fifth floor.
We finally got home at about 4. After candle lighting I left Jason with the big boys while the baby and I went food shopping. This is what happened while I was gone.............

So, its 9 PM on Thursday night. My boys are finally sleeping (I had to rebathe them since they were covered in ice-pops, chocolate pudding, marker, and glue when I returned......) and I haven't done a blessed thing in preparation for shabbos!!!!!
Who wants to host a really nice family of 5 with 3 delicious boys this shabbos?
Better yet, you can take the boys. I'll make deli sandwiches for myself, buy some challah and grape juice, and get a little sleep!
Any takers?
*"Hadassah" is a woman's organization that raises money for Hadassah hospital.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Chanukhah Stationary

Our chanukah has been pretty eventful (or should I say uneventful?).
He's in a LOT of pain- enough that he even agreed to see a doctor again. Ironically, there was not an orthopedist to be found in all of Jerusalem. They were ALL-every last one of them- at an orthopedist's conference (which for sure is held like once in 5 years) in Tel Aviv. Sorry folks, no on is allowed to break or injure any bones this week- we are busy conferencing.
Thank G-d my in-laws are friends with lots of doctors! I don't know what we would have done without my FIL's good friend, Mark Berger. Even without seeing Jason in person he was able to give us a pretty good sense of what we were dealing with. Now all we need is a doctor in the family..........
Thank you to Abubby for the generous chanukah gift. We used it to buy.......toy appliances. I tried SO HARD to convince them to get a tool set. But, no, we wanted the iron and the immersion blender (known in our house as the "zhuzher"). We'll display them in our toy room next to our doll strollers. (I'm sorry, G-d, maybe I didn't make myself clear. I said I wanted GIRLS, not BOYS who play like girls.)
Hoping all is well with the lot of ya and wishing everyone a happy Chanukah!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Baruch Rofai Cholim (I feel good da na na na na na na)

We are feeling MUCH better- Boruch Hashem. I'm noticing vestiges of my old baby. Even on a good day he's a kvetch ball but at least when he's healthy, his smiley moments are very smiley. When he was sick, we had to kvetch (pardon the pun) a smile out of him.
And we are sitting up AND getting onto all fours! Not only that but since I've been milk free (2 days and counting) YM - my spit up KING- hasn't spit (or is it spat?) up once!!!!! Coincidence? I think not.
We are NOT enjoying our antibiotics. It's kind of handy that Mommy is stronger than YM.
YM and I continue to have our nightly pow-wows (tikun chatzos) in the rocker so I'm still a zombie but that ( I hope) will change soon enough. I'm just so thankful that he seems to be feeling better.
A happy (belated) birthday to Tanta Feigy. We wish you could come visit!! (OR maybe we'll visit you this summer...............)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Quickly updating- one handed
A quick update:
- Motzei Shabbos, YM woke up with 102.8. I administered alternating doses of Tylenol and Advil throughout the night to get- and keep- his fever down.
- Sunday 9AM found us in (Good 'ol) Dr. Cohen's office. This time it was the left ear! We both agreed that the best course of action at this point was antibiotics. (Grrrrrr! we lost the battle- but we haven't lost the war!!!!!)
- 10AM, after expending great efforts to OBTAIN the antibiotics (Meuchedet: Sorry, none left till 5 this evening. Me: What should I do about my sick baby? Meuchedet: You could try a g'mach Me: Thanks (Thinking to myself: I'm switching to leumit!)*) I administered 2.5cc to YM only to have it administered back at me - all over my skirt. Frustrated, I gave Dr. Heimlich's office a call to find that there was an available appointment that afternoon!!!!!
- 3pm, the 4 of us boarded the J-m bound bus. The boys were previously bathed and dinner was brought along so that I could deposit them right into bed when we returned from our tiyul
(I'll have to tell y'all about our visit to Dr. Heimlich another time but in a nut shell, his methods are a combination of reflexology, iridology, and very expensive equipment. What I learned was that YM is allergic to milk products. Thats what's exacerbating the ear infections. To clarify- He doesn't eat milk products, he nurses. But, when I eat milk products, he gets an ear it?)
- 5:30PM we boarded a bus back to Beitar. (Try saying that 5 times fast.) The bus broke down just before (Thank G-d) the kvish haminharot**. After a 15 minute delay, we boarded a new bus and continued on our journey. We arrived home at around 7.
(time out- baby is awake...........again)
- Today the baby definitely felt better. Actually- that's not a fair assessment. He didn't tell me that he felt better but he did seem that way, at least.
The problem is that he's still a bit congested and is now well broken in to very bad sleeping behavior. There's nothing you can do about a sick baby- they just need to be held. I haven't slept in my bed in 3 nights. I've just held him in the rocker recliner (thanks, Mom) all night long. Every time I tried to put him back into his crib, he woke up. Now that he's feeling a bit better, I would like to reestablish good sleeping behavior but I'm hesitant since, again, he hasn't told me that he's better- so I can't know for sure. So, I'll wait until I'm positive that he is 100%. Until then, he'll probably continue his recent minhag of waking every 1.5 hours or so........
(By the way, its 11pm and he's now sitting in my arms.........)
All of this has put a serious damper on accomplishing anything functional like cooking and laundry- not to mention my job!!!! So, I apologize, dear readers for the sparse nature of my blog quantities of late. We hope that will change very soon. (Amen!)
I hate the winter.
His hair is totally brown.
*Our Health system here in Israel is socialized. You choose one of four or five kupot (loosely defined as a health care organization) and go to that organization's local clinic with all of your ailments. We belong to "Meuchedet" which generally we've been very pleased with except that in our area, which is still very much under construction, Meuchedet is housed in a small apartment and lacking certain necessities like a pharmacy!!! "Leumit", on the other hand has already built a huge complex across the street from Meuchedet........
**Bubby-don't read this part.......kvish haminharot is peppered with a number of Arab villages......some more volatile than others. Don't worry, our bus was bullet proof.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Pre Chanukah Fun
Also, I'm taking a poll.
Red or Brown????? (Whatever color it is, Thank G-d its finally existent!)

Monday, December 04, 2006
We're on STRIKE!

Friday, December 01, 2006
Typing one handed

Monday, November 27, 2006
Riding the bucking "Ear Infection Bronco"
In between the kvetchiness (n.) I see snippets of a healthy and happy Yisroel Meir. I daven that it should just continue this way. The big boys were pretty well behaved today- Boruch Hashem! (Thank g00dness for small miracles!) Hoping to bring y'all continued good (hopeful!) news. (Yawn)

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Your wish is my command
Feel free to kvell now.
Onion Head
So, the moxypen- provided and prepared by our friendly druzi- sits in my fridge.......untouched.
What can I say? Though I was advised by the doctor to start Yisroel Meir on antibiotics, my antiestablishmentism/mother's intuition got the better of me and I decided to hold off......
3 courses of antibiotics in 4.5 months didnt sit well with me so I opted to try something natural.
(All you anti natural- epidural was made by Hashem too-bring on the drugs-types can stop here. This ain't gonna interest you!)

1 tsp onion juice (1/2 onion grated finely)
place over the fire for about 30 sec. (Until it boils)
Allow to cool.
Squirt 1/4 to 1/2 of that into infected ear.
This is not a segula! Its not heebeejeebee- onions have antibacterial properties and are supposed to attack the infection!
Did it work? Its hard to know. What I do know is that he stinks.
Beyond that I'm subject to two different doctor's perceptions.
The doctor on Friday night said that his ear was "Really red".
The doctor this morning told me "There is some redness". He also agreed that I could hold off on the antibiotics for now.
Sounds like improvement to me!
In addition, I have a peeled garlic clove resting on the opening of his ear which is supposed to draw out the fluids. (ya ya, feel free to make fun of me.)
The moxypen sits in the fridge tantalizing and tempting me every time the baby gets kvetchy. "Take me," It says. "Put the poor kid out of his misery". (Or was that my Mom? just kidding ma :) )
This is far from the easy road (I'm tired!) and I hope that in the long run this will be better for Yisroel Meir.
So, we'll have to wait and see but the kid does seem on the up and up.
May Hashem grant him a speedy recovery!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
rollin rollin rollin
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Soap Box

Friday, November 17, 2006
Wait. Who am I and who's kids are these?

I must be going crazy. Today I had the following conversation with myself (see what I mean?):

Monday, November 13, 2006
PB&J Anyone? How about a Red Tomato?

And for your reading (and banging your head against the wall) pleasure, an Excerpt from a conversation with my 2 year old.....
Tonight I read a book to Aryeh Leib that had a picture of a tomato.
Me: What's that, Lubi?
Me: Right! And what color is the tomato?
Me: Oooookay.........
Sunday, November 12, 2006
The Joys of Boys

They are Boys! They are mud pie baking, dirt flinging, bug stomping, dump a dead bee in my hand boys! Please come visit us but be sure to look before you sit. Look before you sit on a chair lest you sit atop a mud creation. Please look before you sit on our toilets- otherwise you may just fall in.
Oh where is my sugar and spice? I know, it was dumped on the floor because it makes for great skating.

Little boys. Quick close the diaper, no you can't play with knives, please do NOT decapitate that lizard, little boys.
To my future daughters- in- law: I will try my best to tame them but I'm working with very raw materials here. They have big hearts and they love to help their Mommy. I can't promise that they'll know how to fold towels properly but I'll do my best to guide them into mentchen.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Beached Whale

Monday, November 06, 2006
Baruch Hashem for Brothers

Thursday, November 02, 2006
From the mouths of Babes

Lubi (stops munching on his snack) responds, "Tomorrow, Zebi."
Good Shabbos :)
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Potty Training- Update

Sunday, October 29, 2006
Yummy Boychikels

Yitzchok Zevi had such a funny line on shabbos. I realize that most of the humor will be lost on those who don't reside in Beitar. (Come to think of it, how many Beitar residents are reading this blog anyway?) So, I'll start with some background........
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I'd give you a hand but mine are full.........

snip snip
What was our heinous crime, our horrifying offence, our outrageous transgression?
We cut off Yitzchok Zevi's payos.......... (dum da dum dum)
Have no fear, dear readers, we are NOT shedding our beliefs nor are we casting off the yoke of our religion. (And, for those of you who think we live in a wacked out charedi ghetto, we aren't concerned about being thrown out of Beitar.)
My ever curious and adventuresome 4 year old wanted to see what would happen if he put fun tac in his hair......(Thats the blue sticky stuff that is used for hanging things on walls. Its supposed to be reusable).
Well, here's what happened.
and after:
Yep, that was one of those instances where a lesson was most definitely learned and Mommy didn't even have to do any punishing (evil grin)..........I had to hold myself back from offering him a bobby pin to help keep the payos behind his ears.
It can't have been too traumatizing for, as you can see, he's still smiling (and still just as cute :) ).
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Flying Solo

I decided to take the boys to the park today in an effort to take advantage of what remains of our Indian summer. As the winter clandestinely tiptoes in, I envision months of play dough, coloring, cutting, gluing, and, in short, destroying my house.......ack.......not to mention trip after trip after trip to good 'ol Dr. Cohen.
Today's outing, while a great idea in theory turned into a bit of a fiasco..........
Our first lunch without Jason had been uneventful and relaxing so I was feeling a bit overly confidant. We went to the "far park" and I let Yitzchok Zevi take his bike. (This is the point where the foreboding music starts playing)
While at the park, the baby had a HUGE poopy explosion!!! I exaggerate not. It was everywhere and- of course- I had no change of clothes for him. You'd think I'd have learned by now.............
The way to the far park is down hill. Guess which direction we had to go in order to get home? Guess who pushed Yitzchok Zevi -on his bike- all the way home while holding a baby wrapped in blankets and pushing a stroller? (Impressive, no?)
And my only consolation as I trudged up the hill (or was it a mountain)? At least now I have something to blog.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Off we go
Anyway, we had a lovely outing. Jason bought me a watch as a (, argh) anniversary gift. The truth is, I'm not sure if the watch was a gift for him or for me. He thinks that if I own a watch and I actually know what time it is, I'll be more punctual. I say forget the watch- buy me a car and I'll definitely be more punctual.
A HUGE Mazal Tov to our cousins Chanoch and Yael Shalev on the birth of their 3rd daughter! (sigh) Ah, girls...............
Here are pics of Yisroel Meir from our trip (Once he was there by default, we figured we'd pay him a little attention:). )
Nachas Alert for the bubbies: The old lady in the restaurant said that Yisroel Meir is VERY alert!
Wishing everyone a wonderful shabbos!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Potty training dilemmas

Sunday, October 15, 2006
Mashiv Haruach u'Morid Hageshem (Let the rains begin!)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Nothing. Absolutely Nothing.
Aryeh Leib, of course, tripped and fell on his head like 30 times and on top of that was a royal nudnik and insighted Yitzchok Zevi. YZ took that as an invitation to hit, kick, pinch, push, etc. ALL DAY LONG. The only thing they did that would be blog worthy was so disgusting, I'm not interested in recording it for posterity on the www.
Whew- ok- that was therapeutic.
On a lighter note, here's a pic of Aryeh Leib bearing an uncanny resemblance to.............(Answer TBA in my next blog- any guesses are welcome)
Also, many thanks to Shelley Goldman for sending us the most unique serving piece I've EVER seen...........
Its a high heal! What's even cooler is that the heal is magnetic so it can be removed for cleaning.
Looking forward to posting lots of fun and positive things about my brood tomorrow but for now.......I'm going to bed. Let this day be over!
Good night to all and to all good night.
A little helper who thinks he's big......

I need to get some new lines. Mine are overused, apparently. Today I asked Yitzchok Zevi to clean up a toy. He then turned to Aryeh Leib and said, "Aryeh Leibi, lets see how quickly you can clean this up!"
Earlier today I had to punish Aryeh Leib. I did the unthinkable- I took away treats for the WHOLE morning. (For those who know AL, this really is a powerful punishment!) Aryeh Leib moaned, "Not do it again!!!" Yitzchok Zevi responded, "Lubi, this punishment will help you remember not to do it again next time."
Thanks for your help, YZ.
At least I know that something is penetrating......