Wednesday, October 25, 2006

snip snip

We have committed a mortal sin..............We sit all day with the shades drawn expecting that knock. We count down the minutes until They come. We are waiting- just waiting- to be ousted, expelled, banished, evicted from our city of Torah in the Judean hills...............

What was our heinous crime, our horrifying offence, our outrageous transgression?

We cut off Yitzchok Zevi's payos.......... (dum da dum dum)

Have no fear, dear readers, we are NOT shedding our beliefs nor are we casting off the yoke of our religion. (And, for those of you who think we live in a wacked out charedi ghetto, we aren't concerned about being thrown out of Beitar.)

My ever curious and adventuresome 4 year old wanted to see what would happen if he put fun tac in his hair......(Thats the blue sticky stuff that is used for hanging things on walls. Its supposed to be reusable).

Well, here's what happened.


and after:

Yep, that was one of those instances where a lesson was most definitely learned and Mommy didn't even have to do any punishing (evil grin)..........I had to hold myself back from offering him a bobby pin to help keep the payos behind his ears.

It can't have been too traumatizing for, as you can see, he's still smiling (and still just as cute :) ).

1 comment:

Miriam the Mommy said...

I hope there's no blood spot in the yolk of your religion.

Yeah, he's still yum!